He's saying a UK driver wouldn't be able to pass a test even though they've been driving forever.
Ah, O.K. It was being in the form of question which made me unsure exactly what was meant.
I have it on good authority from elsewhere -- including instructors
and current DSA examiners -- that many of the things which are regarded as "essential" for the U.K. test are actually not.
Examples would be always using the push-pull steering technique, or applying the parking brake at every stop or when shifting gears during a three-point turn. The only requirement is to drive and carry out the exercises in full control of the vehicle.
The problem seems to be that some instructors believe that the "proper" British methods are the only ones which are valid, or at best they believe that they are the methods which are most likely to result in a new driver satisfying the conditions on test, and thus fail to accept that other techniques might be equally acceptable.