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Topic: Permission needed for international travel for 16 year old child?  (Read 954 times)

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Hello All,

I have finally convinced my ex-wife to allow my son, who will be 16 in January, to come here to visit me.  However, my ex-wife maintains that my son needs both parents written permission to travel overseas, but this is not consistent with  what I can see on the US website, travel.state.gov.  I can find no mention of this rule at all, and am confused about what she is on about.  Can anyone provide some information on the proper way to have a 16 year old child travel to the UK from the US?


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Re: Permission needed for international travel for 16 year old child?
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2008, 05:51:01 AM »
I was given a talking to by immigration in Canada while on my way through from US to UK with my boys when one was about 16. Apparently I should have had permission in writing from my Dh to travel with them, he let me through after I offered Dh's work phone number and he could call if he was concerned.  ::)I think 16 they know where they are and whats going on.
I do have a letter now, but how do they know Dh signed it? It's stupid really.
If my Dh had kidnapped the kids I would have had their passports flagged wouldn't I?

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Re: Permission needed for international travel for 16 year old child?
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2008, 06:15:19 AM »
If you do a search online for minor travel consent forms, you will see all kinds of examples. Just a simple form, stating the parents/guardians names and contact info, the child's name, date of birth and countries visiting and dates should do. I think it's best to have the info, and never be asked for it than to worry about it. I always carry a notarized consent form when traveling alone with my child. MCR, I agree at 16 a kid knows where they are and where they are going, but that doesn't mean that the other parent is in agreement with where they are going. And if your kid was kidnapped by the other parent, you may not know it yet when they are leaving the country.
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