I'm hoping that someone can help clarify what my tax situation is.
I'm currently registered with a number of temp agencies.
I had received a P45 from my previous employer earlier in the year. I supplied that to one of the agencies when they found me some work. I'm about to start an assignment for another agency. As I gave away my P45, I assume I need to give them a P46. I don't know what I should be checking at the bottom under 'present circumstances'
The options I'm choosing between are B: This is now my only job, but since last 6 April I have had another job; or C: I have another job or recieve a state or occupational pension.
I'm not sure which one to fill out, as this 'job' will be my only job at the moment, and while I might get another assignment through the other agency (or one of the others that I am registered with), it's not definite.
Also, will I now need to submit my own taxes, or can PAYE figure this all out?
Thank you in advance!