Married in March in the US, came to the UK with my kids in May. DH has never lived over there with me, nor has he ever had any earnings in the US. I have to file, due to my severance, 401k and unemployment benefits. I'm not sure how to proceed or even which tax program will work for me in the following circumstance...
I have 3 children, and generally file HOH. Do I have to claim DH on my taxes? If I do claim DH, then I would have to file MFJ and include his UK income? Or would I have to file MFS? I have read posts back from 2007 tax season and didn't find anything quite like my issue. Because I didn't work the full year, I should for the first time in many years be able to apply for EIC, which is greatly needed due to the taxes I'll have to pay for the 401k and unemployment...just to not have to pay in. If I file married filing seperately, I won't be eligible for EIC. What I would hope to do is file HOH and if there is somewhere on the form asking for spousal info, I'd like to put him down as a NRA. Is this possible?
To be honest, I'm not even sure how to file... do I simply get all of my tax documents and file the 1040 as I always have? I have not worked at all since we've been in the UK, so I don't think there is any reason for me to file UK taxes...and we have already begun looking into his taxes which could be nearly as much fun.
Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks ever so much...