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Topic: Taking baby food on a plane  (Read 1753 times)

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Taking baby food on a plane
« on: April 02, 2009, 09:33:50 AM »
DH and I will be flying back to NC with our 7-month old DD at the end of this month. I am very excited, but a bit nervous about the journey. At home, I make all of her baby food, but obviously it won't be practical to take homemade baby food on the plane, so I will be buying ready-made food for the journey. I'm sure this question has been posted before somewhere (I didn't have time to do a search, as most of you who are parents will understand that internet time is limited as it is when you have a young baby!), but does anyone know what the regulations are for taking baby food on board? I imagine I'll be taking a few ready-to-pour packets of formula (for mixing with baby rice; otherwise I breastfeed), some baby rice, and some jars/packets of fruit purees, etc. I have heard that the airport will make me open and taste everything before allowing me through security. If the packets are sealed, I don't know why I would have to open them. If I have to do this then I'll have to use the food right away or it will go off. That would leave me without food for the rest of the journey. I figured if this was the case, I could always wait and buy the food at Boots on the other side of security, but I don't want to risk not bringing any and then realize that the airport Boots doesn't sell baby food. Does anyone know if they do sell baby food there?

Does anyone have any experience traveling with baby food? This is all new territory for me, and I need all the advice and reassurance I can get!


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Re: Taking baby food on a plane
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2009, 09:56:27 AM »
I haven't flown with a baby, but....I have been doing my research in preparation.  I have noticed that Boots in the airports past security (heathrow, Luton and Gatwick) all seem to have a decent selection of formula and baby food.  You could always check to see if there is a Boots in the airport you are flying out of and call them to see what they stock.  If you are happy with the selection, then just pick it up when you are through security.  One less thing for you to worry about.   

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Re: Taking baby food on a plane
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2009, 10:07:17 AM »
Thanks, Karin! I'll be flying out of Heathrow, so hopefully the Boots there will have baby food. Boots in general has a good selection, but I just wasn't sure if the one past airport security stocks baby food and didn't want to risk it unless I knew for sure.

Re: Taking baby food on a plane
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2009, 11:30:29 AM »
The Boots in Terminal 1 (LHR) had baby food & premix boxes of formula the last time I went to California on United last November and the prices were the same as my local Boots.

Though I had no problem bringing my own baby food jars (the small ones) and premixed formula boxes (200 ml) through security. We just placed all of the food & formula in a clear plastic ziploc bag and sent it through separately. They never said anything.

I did the same thing passing through SFO and again no problems. Also we didn't have to open or taste anything. Though I made sure to clean the bottle that we used on the way down to the airport and made sure it was completely empty before going through security.

FYI -- baby formula (premix & powder) and baby food is exempt from the 100ml fluids limit. So you may want to print out that section from your airline's website just in case you encounter a problem.

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Re: Taking baby food on a plane
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2009, 11:49:20 AM »
My son is 3 now, but when I flew with him when he was a baby I brought an ice pack bag with some expressed bm and baby food, I had to stick my finger in and taste them, no problems. However, we flew to Florida last month, and if you go through the family friendly line (there was one at Philly & Fort Lauderdale) you should be fine with just talking to the customs person there and showing them what you have. We flew through with drinks and a prescription of penicillin. I know at Manchester T2 there is a Boots that sells babyfood and formula, it might be worth checking at your airport.

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Re: Taking baby food on a plane
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2009, 07:10:15 PM »
Thanks for the replies. I think I'll chance it, then, and take at least a couple of jars -- enough to get us through the flight. Hopefully there won't be any problem.

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Re: Taking baby food on a plane
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2009, 01:47:04 PM »
I flew out of Heathrow on Monday and they made me open all of my jars and taste them. If I had known this I would have just waited and bought some food at Boots on the other side. I went ahead and fed him a couple of the jars once we were through security (it was lunchtime anyway) and luckily I had packed some breadsticks and other snacks so he ate those on the plane. I ended up throwing the other jars away as I was worried about them not being refridgerated. We had an 8 hour flight and then a 5 hour layover before the next flight. Raleigh Durham did not sell any baby food, nor did they have anything suitable at the few restaurants for me to give him. Luckily I was able to nurse him to sleep.

I think it is hit or miss really because I have had several people tell me that they got through fine with baby food, unfortunately it wasn't the case for me.

Good luck with your flight! This is the third time I have flown with August and touch wood he has been a model passenger so far.

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Re: Taking baby food on a plane
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2009, 04:30:33 PM »
We flew last week as well.  I had some of those pouches of food (can't remember the name but the ones where you only need a spoon.  The only time I had to open them was in LHR.  All the other airports were fine.  The boots in T5 had a decent selection and the formula.  I also think its sort of hit and miss with who you get which is unfortunate because it really messes things up for those of us who need to plan ahead.

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