One thing everyone should know, is that if you are on a plan that offers cheap nighttime electricity (Economy 7 or Economy 10, as they are usually called)....
*You NEED TO CHECK your METER TIMER. It's a joke in the industry (ask any service person) that the timers often break, lose time, or don't work. A meter timer is another piece of equipment that usually sits next to your actual meter, and has a clock-- either a manual looking one or a digital one. If the meter timer is off, or continually loses time, then you get billed for DAYTIME energy when you are actually using NIGHTTIME energy!
We discovered this w continually high bills, and didnt know why. We checked the meter timer, and found it was 4 hours behind the actual time. Then the next day, we found it was 6 hours behind. IE it was continually losing time. We had nightmares w EDF energy, and had to get the timer replaced 4 times. Finally they came and replaced both timer and meter, and so far its been okay.
*You SHOULD CHECK your METER regularly too. Especially if you just moved in. Why? Because meters DO NOT START FROM ZERO, even if you're getting a new one installed. Their starting number is listed on a sticker on top of the meter. Your electricity co, tho, may accidentlly list the starting point as zero, and then presto, in one month, it mysteriously lists you as having used 40,000 units of elecctricity.
I've heard that Eon is much more responsive to problems than EDF.