Tim and I watched a lot of movies together. It started off randomly when I was channel hopping while on Skype with Tim to have something playing in the background and I found one of the Harry Potter movies on ABC Family. Tim told me to hang on, went and got his DVD, and I decided to put my DVD on instead of watching it on TV,and we watched together, then did that for the other 4 potter movies. We also watched all of Torchwood together and (UK) Life on Mars this way. We haven't done any TV watching since i've been back, but we talked about that today how we hadn't, and I think we're going to start trying to watch at least an episode of something we both have each day. We haven't done the online gaming things, but I usd to play Literati on Yahoo! with a friend who lived in Michigan all the time,and it was pretty fun.
Tim says he runs out of things to say, too. A lot of the time we sort of call just for the sake of calling, but once it gets to the point of repeated "I love you"s and "I miss you"s, we usually get off the phone!