Just to let you know, If you only worked part of the financial year..
April 08 - April 09, you may be entitled to a tax rebate. My husband only started to work towards the end of the financial year and made just below the threshold, so is entitled for a full rebate...thought it would be worth you guys knowing in case you want to claim anything back.
The telephone number is 0845 302 1409
State your NI Number and also have your P60 from your employer to hand as they will ask you some questions from it. They will then give you an address to send a letter and your P60 too as evidence for a rebate.
It can take 6 to 8 weeks to receive the rebate and it will either be in your wage slip or they will send a cheque.
The website is
http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/incometax/overpaid-thro-job.htmDeffo worth it, I just enquired out of interest and he is due about £500 - so that a plane ticket to visit home for him
Ya never know unless you ask.