Kate Winslet apparently did this one and that might have given it more publicity than necessary....I've heard of it, I've looked at it...it just seems loopy to me. :-/
Please explain to me how my being O+ is going to help someone tell me how to drop a few pounds? Short of me donating a couple of pints of it.....
There's alot of medical factors involved for every individual and I'm one hundred percent for identifying them but blood type
? Errrr no. What's next dieting by hair color ? God can't you just hear it ?
'Brunettes should stay away from chocolate because it's a body overload of 'brown' and it's what's messing up your diet'
....What's sad is you could probably write it down and make a fortune.
I don't know about the blood type clinic Pam, I'm having a hard time swallowing this one quite frankly.....