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Topic: 23 days until moving...  (Read 2346 times)

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Re: 23 days until moving...
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2009, 01:36:25 AM »
Oh my goodness I am sooooooo relieved to read this thread! I have been feeling the exact same way! I am naturally a worrier as well. I am still in the process of gathering info for my spouse visa application (just waiting on docs my husband mailed).  So, I have the visa to worry about and then I get freaked about quitting my job at this time in the economy and I ask myself if I'm stupid! Plus, I love my job so it's hard to leave, I have to sell my car and belongings as well. I feel like I'm spending sooooo much money just to get over there when I'm normally doing ok financially so that worries me. I am living in Chicago and love it here so I get sad when I think about leaving. I feel like I have my days planned out there and they are such a routine, I know exactly where I'm going when I get up in the morning, I have a car to get there, and I like where I'm going to! What is going to happen when I'm in England and I wake up, not being able to drive, and not knowing where I'm going or if I'll even find a job, let alone one I like. I'm so excited to FINALLY be with my husband and not have to part 2 to 3 weeks later but as many of you, I'm also really scared, worried, and even sad. It's such a big, overwhelming change! I figured it was "normal" to have these feelings, but just reading it from all of you is so relieving. Thank you all for this.
Follow your bliss.

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Re: 23 days until moving...
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2009, 02:05:58 PM »
Lilybelle, Mirrajay, sheateawholepie, just want to see how you're doing. (sheate, I know you just moved today, but wondering nonetheless). I felt ALL those same things before moving and still do at time. I had a very difficult time with the move (I think I cried for about two weeks straight and DH wasn't much help as he doesn't deal with emotions very well). Some days I'm fine with it now, and some days I'm still bitter. I hope you're doing well, and please feel free to PM me any time chat or vent or whatever. I know it's not all sunshine and roses, despite how long we've waited for it! :)

xx hugs! xx

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Re: 23 days until moving...
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2009, 09:35:23 PM »
I can so relate to this thread --- when I sold my bedroom set last week I was so sad to see it go.  Sleeping on the floor (sleeping bag) is so not fun and achy I might add.  Whenever my Sweetie asks if I'm excited and I hesitate even a bit he says 'not having any doubts or second thoughts are you?'  I am happy and excited and sometimes want to pinch myself.  But I do have my scared poopless moments too.  All the adjustments to make, how soon will I find a job, will I be accepted, will I be able to get around on my own without holding my Sweetie's hand all the time.

I am happy to see it's a fairly common thing.
*spousal visa FLR(M) issued June 8, 2010*

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