Well, since we're the ones who destabilised the region by invading Afghanistan and by extension pushing the Taliban into that part of Pakistan, I think we do owe them a bit of help, yeah.
I agree somewhat but I would not say we destabilised that area. What were the Soviets doing before we got involved? I think their invasion helped to destabilise the area. But if we help, could they not then get pushed into India? Where does our responsibility stop?
Were the Taliban not accepted and recognised by Pakistan? Did Pakistan not help the Taliban in the past? Did the Taliban not originate in Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan?
I just feel like the Taliban were involved with Pakistan long before we got involved. Yea no doubt we probably did help fund it during the Soviet invasion. Perhaps Russia should help as they are part to blame.
My memory's not so good regarding the past down in that neck of the woods so my opinion may be a bit skewed.
I don't know but I feel we should cut our loses and get the hell out of there and quit meddling. Let that region of the world sort themselves out. Nobody's gonna come and say 'thanks USA, ya done good'.