You're unlikely to get anything for free that isn't in the public domain, and since it takes at least 50 years for works to get into the public domain, then it tends to be only the classics that are free. If you have an iPhone or iPod Touch, you can use Stanza ( which has modern books available for a fee and I think allows you to sync your library with your computer so you can read your downloads on it.
Ah I see. Well, I have an iPod, but not one of the new fancy ones.
I'll just catch up on the classics online, I guess, and then read the more modern stuff the old fashioned way, which is kind of ironic, no?
I'm definitely gonna look into those other sites, though. Thanks!
Historyenne is right - you're not likely to get downloads of any modern books for free.
Hehe. It was worth a try. I'm not that cheap, honest! I prefer to read books in hard copy rather than online, I just wanted to kill some time at work, but I can just as easily do that while catching up on some classics I've always wanted to read but passed up in order to read something more modern.
I havent had tons of time to go thru it
Yeah, I've been checking that out, but its more like a community and place to list books you have read and reviews and make lists of books you would like to read. No downloads, as far as I can tell. Still pretty cool, though.