find it VERY hard to believe that it's been twenty years. In some respects it feels like yesterday.
I was on the SF State University campus - I'd stayed late at my job in the comms office to work at some event that I've long since forgotten. I was at the copy machine and remember saying "wheeee, earthquake!" - at the time they seemed sort of fun. It became immediately obvious though that it wasn't a "normal" one and soon we were all huddled in the doorways. We then had to walk down the pitch black stairwells of the admin building in a huge line.... Got outside and queued for ages in the line for the pay phone only to get a constantly busy signal from my mom's phone (turned out an extension phone had been knocked off it's cradle and no one realised for hours!) The radio news put the epicentre near Santa Cruz but communications were so poor that the news people kept saying "no news from Santa Cruz is not good news" which did nothing for my confidence as that's where my family was....
We went to a friend's house near campus, had a stiff drink, and then my best friend and I started trying to figure out how to get home to our apartments in the city. We found a bus going downtown, hopped in, and managed to get to Market Street. We walked up the hills to my apartment and I very clearly remember the crunching glass under foot.
We made phone calls, finally got through to my mom - it was Indian Summer, really warm, windows open, etc. ("earthquake weather" we swore!) and my mom reported that the pool had sloshed over and flooded the living room, loads of knick knacks had broken, but otherwise all was fine. It wasn't until later that I found out so many of the places I spent my adolescence in around Santa Cruz were damaged beyond repair.
It was a long couple of days after that - aftershocks, etc.
Crazy. Twenty years.