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Topic: [SPLIT] Financial Requirements For US Visa (spouse)  (Read 1657 times)

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[SPLIT] Financial Requirements For US Visa (spouse)
« on: January 08, 2010, 11:27:42 AM »
I am American and wanting to move back to the USA with my English husband and our son. I was wondering if anyone knew what the requirements are to be able to move back to the USA and bring my husband along. What are the financial requirements? He works over here and I stay at home with our son but if we move back to the USA I will need to find work after moving there. Do you have to have a job  before moving there? A large savings? Do you have to have family willing to support you? I am lost as to what is required.

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Re: [SPLIT] Financial Requirements For US Visa (spouse)
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2010, 02:58:18 PM »
Hi, have you had a look at the Dive Into America forum? It's primarily for people moving from the UK to US and there is loads of information.  (It  was started by a couple of our members after they moved back to the US).


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Re: [SPLIT] Financial Requirements For US Visa (spouse)
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2010, 02:57:22 PM »
I am American and wanting to move back to the USA with my English husband and our son. I was wondering if anyone knew what the requirements are to be able to move back to the USA and bring my husband along. What are the financial requirements? He works over here and I stay at home with our son but if we move back to the USA I will need to find work after moving there. Do you have to have a job  before moving there? A large savings? Do you have to have family willing to support you? I am lost as to what is required.

You have to have an income of 125% of the current Federal poverty guideline for your household size, found here. This income must either be based in the US or be from a job that will not stop when you enter the US (and you'll need to prove that). If you don't have that, a co-sponsor is permitted, but they must fill out the same form as yourself and commit to supporting the immigrant for 40 quarters of work or 10 years - basically, if he claims benefits, your co-sponsor is liable.

If you are using savings instead of income to qualify, you must have 3 times the 125% of the poverty guidelines held in a US-based account.

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Re: [SPLIT] Financial Requirements For US Visa (spouse)
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2010, 12:10:46 AM »
Do you know what the current federal poverty guideline amounts to?
I suppose if you transferred 3 x 125% the guideline to a US bank account you'd be covered then?

Oh, I think I've found the 2009 link: http://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty/09poverty.shtml
Interesting how you have to have more in Alaska and Hawaii.
Wow, 125% of the guideline for a family of 4 is $82,687.50, that's a hell of a lot of savings required.  It would be very difficult if you were aiming to move and then find a job when you got to the US.  I suppose if you sold a house in the UK (and had a lot of equity) and then transfered the proceeds across you'd be ok.
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Re: [SPLIT] Financial Requirements For US Visa (spouse)
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2010, 09:09:44 PM »
That sucks!!

Btw, those links weren't working for me, but I found this one... http://liheap.ncat.org/profiles/povertytables/FY2010/popstate.htm

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Re: [SPLIT] Financial Requirements For US Visa (spouse)
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2010, 05:05:04 PM »
Simplicity, you asked the questions I've been wondering about.  Thank you!!  I feel a little more confident about the how-to's now.  Good luck to you!!

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