I had a miscarriage in March of last year at 19 weeks, the results from all the post mortems were inconclusive, but the one thing that stood out to the consultant that it might be a clotting disorder. She advised that I had some blood tests and if I got pregnant again, I would be under the care of a consultant. Fast forward about 3 months and I found myself pregnant again, the consultant advised that I take 75 mgs of asprin daily and be considered a high risk pregnancy. So everything was treated as normal until my 20 weeks scan (I was still taking asprin everyday) when I saw the consultant and she said, why didn't you see me sooner (okay, so apart from my ringing and begging the midwives to let me see the consultant no one seemed to care that I wanted to see her) Anywhoo...after the 20 week scan when everything looked great I started to come in every 3-4 weeks for appointments, growth scans etc and just general reassurance. So I am 36 weeks this week (scary stuff!!!) and baby is doing great. I don't know if you will get the same care as you would get in the US, Lovenox was never mentioned, but I wanted to share my experience! Good luck with your decision!
oooh, and I remember when I was in hospital after having my son, they do give you fragmin on a daily basis. Its stings like a bugger!!!