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Topic: Wishing I was back in the UK  (Read 2199 times)

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Wishing I was back in the UK
« on: January 24, 2010, 08:03:29 PM »
I remember wanting to move back to the US so badly while I was in London.  I've been back for over 2 years now and I find myself talking about "when/if we move back to the UK....." all the time!  What is wrong with me???  I love the UK and I miss, I never thought I'd want to move back but I do.  Maybe not in the next few years but at some point.

Anyone else feel this way?

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Re: Wishing I was back in the UK
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2010, 08:12:20 PM »
Well, you are in Florida.   ;)

I hope things are going well otherwise.  I guess it is one of those things.  If only there were a middle ground!

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Re: Wishing I was back in the UK
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2010, 08:57:25 PM »
Hi June- Can't comment, because I'm in the UK, but Welcome back to UKY  :)
I've never gotten food on my underpants!
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Re: Wishing I was back in the UK
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2010, 06:52:47 PM »
I too never thought I would feel that way but I do! I don't want to leave my family but I think we will end up back there someday.

(and I know you from another message board site, the one with all the snarky ladies and their babies :) )

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Re: Wishing I was back in the UK
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2010, 08:12:38 AM »
Welcome back June! 

I think its probably normal to miss the "other" country.  Both have so much to offer in different ways.  It's one of the reasons I am applying for British citizenship before we head over to the US.  It will just make it easier if we ever want to move back to the UK. 

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Re: Wishing I was back in the UK
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2010, 12:27:59 PM »
I think its probably normal to miss the "other" country.  Both have so much to offer in different ways.  It's one of the reasons I am applying for British citizenship before we head over to the US.  It will just make it easier if we ever want to move back to the UK.
I've thought about that.  It's always been our plan to move back to the US to be near my kids and all.  But what if we're sorry later?  Oh dear, there's always something to worry about.   ::)

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Re: Wishing I was back in the UK
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2010, 05:18:39 PM »
I felt the same way after I moved back and still do sometimes.  Of course, my husband is still stuck there waiting for his visa to come through so he can join me, so that makes it worse.  I do miss my UK friends, a lot of the food and Tesco (lol), and their television.  I don't miss the crappy low paying jobs I had, the litter strewn all over the place or the snails pace it takes to get anything done.  I also don't miss the weather, but I do miss the lack of annoying insects.  Never happy, that's me!

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Re: Wishing I was back in the UK
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2010, 06:38:13 PM »
When DH and I moved to the US in 2008 it was for family reasons and we both want to move back to the UK someday. It will probably be later rather than sooner, but we both feel it will happen eventually. Even considering the hassles of international moves...

I am hoping it is easier to pick up life again in the UK than it was starting over in the US  because I don't think the US is friendly to anyone that hasn't lived here their entire life with no gaps in US health care, employment, etc.

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Re: Wishing I was back in the UK
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2010, 06:47:21 PM »
I remember wanting to move back to the US so badly while I was in London.  I've been back for over 2 years now and I find myself talking about "when/if we move back to the UK....." all the time!  What is wrong with me??? 

Good question!!  ;)

I have been back for over a year now and I don't miss living in the UK much.  I miss certain things, like particular restaurants and the accessibility of London.  I miss the beauty and charm of Edinburgh.  I definitely miss my friends!  But as for living in the UK...not really.   We can always visit.  We visited after about a year away and really enjoyed it.  All the fun of living there (and all the advanced knowledge of how to do things/get around) without the hassle!

It probably helps that neither of us are UK citizens and really have very little family there.  If my or my husband's immediate family were there, I'm sure we'd feel somewhat differently.

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Re: Wishing I was back in the UK
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2010, 05:42:57 AM »
I remember wanting to move back to the US so badly while I was in London.  I've been back for over 2 years now and I find myself talking about "when/if we move back to the UK....." all the time!  What is wrong with me???  I love the UK and I miss, I never thought I'd want to move back but I do.  Maybe not in the next few years but at some point.

Anyone else feel this way?

I totally get this! In a weird way, it seemed like I missed it more than my UK-born husband for a while.  ??? But now after going back for a visit we are both sure that we belong there, not here.

Who knew? Especially considering how hard we worked to get his US Visa.  ;D
May 2005 - Moved to UK on Fiancee Visa
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May 2024 - Received UK Spousal Visa Entry Clearance

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