Ooooh, you do -not- need to be playing hostess, nosiree! My Leah will be six weeks old on Thursday, and while I'm mainly healed up (vaginal delivery with episiotomy), I'm still a worn-out monkey! And those first 2 or 3 weeks were pretty rough, even with my in-law's supporting us; Mum keeps hitting us up with casseroles, and insists we bring our laundry into work with us.
Anyways, my parents had wanted to come out and visit around when Leah was due, but I managed to talk them out of it; they're coming this summer instead. But yeah, I had to make it clear that if they -had- come to visit when she was due, they were not allowed to stay in my home, come over during the labor (we homebirthed - it was just myself, my husband, and the midwives), or impose on us for entertainment. With that and not being able to guarantee that the little one would be born during the winter holiday... was much nicer. Plus, stress factor of people wanting attention - no good! Even if you -do- have supportive people on-hand, it's still a draining process.
Anyways, best of luck and things.