Of course, Sara, I understand that. I'm glad to hear that it's not unusual for the FTC to be better (I was afraid it was very uncommon).
One concern I had about the FTC was line 3e, gross income from all sources. When I did this by hand, I used my "total income" figure from Form 1040, line 22. The software, on the other hand, used a slightly higher figure--the difference being my "total expenses" from Schedule C-EZ, line 2.
Does that sound like a software error? (In any case, the amount isn't very significant, and only adds $8 to my foreign tax credit.) I just don't want the IRS to freak out that the numbers (gross income on the 1116, and total income from line 22) don't match.
My other big question on 1116 (which I can't seem to find the answer to) is whether or not my IRA deduction (taken on Form 1040, line 32) should be included on Form 1116, line 3b ("other deductions").
(Interestingly, taking the FTC results in us having to pay AMT--yet the tax is *still* less than with the FEIE.)