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Topic: Anyone watch the nanny program last night?  (Read 2218 times)

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Anyone watch the nanny program last night?
« on: April 05, 2003, 12:49:20 AM »
I for one thought it was chilling. I've seen shows like this in the past, but the treatment these kids were receiving seemed especially vicious. The wee girl that was shaken as a baby, she looked such a sweet, angelic child. I don't have any kids of my own, but I'm one of 5, and I used to babysit for years before I got my first job, and I would never dream of mistreating any of the children I looked after. I can only imagine what those parents felt like upon seeing the tapes they made. Unbelievable.

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Re: Anyone watch the nanny program last night?
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2003, 04:42:44 AM »
I didn't catch it but it's certainly every parents worst nightmare. Makes you want to go out and buy loads of those little cameras and place them about the house.

Re: Anyone watch the nanny program last night?
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2003, 05:18:41 AM »
My best friend (in UK) was a nanny for years, she loved it & loved the children, but had a real horror story to tell about a friend of hers.  This friend (let's call her "Barb")and my friend ("Amy") took a job together once.  Turns out, "Barb" was an absolute brute-she used to force-feed the kids and when one of them vomited, Barb made her EAT IT.  She called them names, pushed them around, etc...."Amy" had always been very friendly with this girl, and thought she would have no problem leaving "Barb" with her own children when she had them-she told me that day with "Barb" scared her to death.  That's a large part of the reason why "Amy" became a nanny in the first place-at least with her, she knew the children would be safe.
This is why I will never, ever, use daycare or a nanny.

Re: Anyone watch the nanny program last night?
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2003, 01:53:21 PM »
I'd have been terrified beyond belief! Fortunate that 'Amy' found out before she entrusted 'Barb' with her kids. Crazy.
When my hubbie and I start having kiddies, we decided that I should stay home with them with that very scenario in mind, as well as several other reasons. Cannot be TOO careful.

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Re: Anyone watch the nanny program last night?
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2003, 05:20:52 PM »
It is a very tough call to make. You never want to put your kids at risk. On the other hand I have always ntoiced an incredible difference in children who have been exposed to daycare. They tend to be far better at interacting with others, better at sharing and communicating. Children are after all nothing but small people and everyone needs to interact with others. The trick I think is to take care in where you send the kids. Get loads of recommendations.

I for one have loads of ideas on how to make daycare a much more appealing proposition to parents, but I'd need to raise loads of funds before venturing off in that area.

Re: Anyone watch the nanny program last night?
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2003, 07:16:40 PM »
I do agree with you on the interaction bit; I'd probably get involved with a 'mother and baby' type of playgroup. The fear of a bad daycare choice wasn't the only factor in my decision to stay home; they are mega expensive here! I only work part-time anyway, so I'd basically be working to pay the daycare, with not much left over, so it wouldn't be worth the hassle to me.  


I for one have loads of ideas on how to make daycare a much more appealing proposition to parents, but I'd need to raise loads of funds before venturing off in that area.

And let me say how lucrative the daycare business is! My husband owns a design & build company, and one of his client's was a daycare business in St Andrews. The cash rolling through and into their coffers was crazy, but in return the kids were extremely well taken care of. And they're expanding! The 2 owners are cracking ladies and excellent businesswomen; one used to be a schoolteacher and the other a bank manager. Talk about a match made in heaven for a daycare!

Re: Anyone watch the nanny program last night?
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2003, 01:28:43 AM »
I agree, I was offered a full-time job paying $9 an hour and realized that after paying for day care etc. I would clear about $30 a week!
Although to be honest, I wouldn't have taken it anyway..I personally would no sooner hire someone else to raise my child than I would hire someone else to sleep with my husband.  There's really nothing that would make daycare more appealing to me.  Nursery school?  Absolutely, and as soon as my little one is 3 in she goes, a few mornings a week.  (Especially since we hope to get pregnant again around that time.)  I think it's very important that the little ones get social interaction, etc.  But full-time daycare, I just can't stomach it.
And yes, "Amy" thanks her lucky stars every day that she discovered the truth about "Barb" (sounds like an after-school special, doesn't it?).

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Re: Anyone watch the nanny program last night?
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2003, 02:20:19 AM »
There's really nothing that would make daycare more appealing to me.quote]

Boy that really makes me want to tell you my idea, becuase I know it would appeal to even the most protective parent, but for now I'll keep it to myself.

In the end the best solution is whatever makes you feel most comfortable as children feed off of your emotions more than anything. The cost issue for ay care is a complete mess. When we lived in Holland it was glorious. The most wonderful day care you could ever hope for and the government pays for most of it. When will the rest of the world wake up and catch up?

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