I didn't notice this mentioned anywhere else...
Our dentists is NOT through the NHS -- but he does have this funky little "insurance" thing. We pay £27 each at the begining of the year then we get near-NHS prices. He's (in my opinion) a good dentist and the prices are
VERY comperable. Plus -- for things like home visits or when you become pregnant, he'll bill NHS instead of you (since that's covered 100% through NHS, apperently.)
I admit, he's not as good as my dentist in Ohio -- but then anyone would have had one heck of a time measuring up. However, I'm very happy with him! (And he puts pictures on the ceiling... which my Ohio dentist doesn't -- and I LOVE it! Gives me something (other than his nostrils) to stare at.)
If you (anyone) want, I can ask him for names of other dentists in other areas who offer this...
Just let me know!!