Well aren't you just a cutie honey...LOL!
Ok, lets see... First thing to note Phoenix is that the fitness club is for all area's of physical fitness... not just dieting... Although I do sense that a small scaled diet like; Proper and Healthy meals is called for with you.
My intuition tells me that you have been eating a lot of sandwiches and not adding enough vegetables to your diet... am I correct?
Even if you are a thin person that does not worry so much on food intake... after a while gravity will catch up with you and exercise would become very beneficial... there are always ways to make exercising routines fun... Ask your future wife to hold your ankles as you do situps... take walks down the lane together as an after dinner treat... or get on your cycles to start your mornings when possible... not only are they good exercises... but it is also excellent quality time with your loved one.
Since you have managed to let the cat out of the bag (so to say) that you enjoy a good walk in the hills... maybe you would be so kind to give us some pointers. Or possibly think of setting up an outting or two up north for anyone interested in a good walk??? I know I would be interested once I am in England... and I will be living way up north right next to you
As far as other suggestions for your over indulgence of food after a good strenuous walk... my thoughts would be to have available the grab foods that will not discount all that hard healthy walking you did... maybe you could even encourage your future wife to take charge of the kitchen detail... asking nicely of course... That way when you over indulge, she can keep an eye on the product intake...LOL! Or even better... buy your future wife and yourself a hot tub... that way after you walk, you will be too relaxed after being in the tub to eat too much??? what do you think of that? actually that sounds like a great idea to me
Does any of this help you Phoenix? I wish you my very best which ever you decide to do.
shel [smiley=sunny.gif]