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Topic: very early braxton-hicks  (Read 833 times)

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very early braxton-hicks
« on: July 01, 2010, 01:18:59 PM »
i'm 18 weeks into my second pregnancy now and have started having what feel very much like braxton-hicks. they're quite strong at times though not at all painful.

rang the midwife this morning and she said that, as long as there's no accompanying bleeding, there's nothing to worry about. she did say it's very early to have them, but not impossible.

felt the bairn move for the first time a week ago.

anyone else had fake contractions this early on?
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Re: very early braxton-hicks
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2010, 02:16:46 PM »
I am not pregnant and do not have a child but my sister is currently in the middle of a high risk pregnancy and we had a discussion just last night about this issue.  She is 22 weeks and is having quite severe B-H.  Her doctor said that she should not get concerned until she had 5-6 in an hour.  Then to drink a large glass of water and wait and hour.  If they were still 5-6 after that to go to the hospital.  Apparently rehydrating helps subside them and mimicks getting an IV.

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Re: very early braxton-hicks
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2010, 08:43:35 PM »
Braxtons can start as early as 6 weeks but you generally cant feel them and they can start to become noticable for some at around 16 weeks. Generally though they are noticable for most mothers in the second half of the second trimester. Like the previous poster said, drinking water to rehydrate helps because dehydration can cause them. Also over doing it and not resting can cause them to be worse. If they are painful it may also be the feeling of stretching of the ligaments.
I never felt any BH with my first pregnancy. With my second they would take my breath away.

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