Does anyone else here suffer from migraines and take some form of oral or injected contraceptive here ? If so could you let me know ?
Hiya - I've had migraines since my late teens. BCP's
always made them worse (More frequent) so I've been on and off them for years. After my son was born last year I decided not to use BCP's anymore and went for an IUD instead. The ones used here (Don't know about the States) have small doses of hormones which are released from the coil, but that doesn't seem to have an affect on my migraines either way. My periods are a bit heavier and cramping a bit (I emphasize bit) more, but all in all, I'd recommend it.
Also, I found in my mid-20's that, of all things!, Excedrin did the job for my migraines. My doctor put me on all kinds of wacky crap, but in the end my mom, who also suffers, told me about Excedrin and it's a wonder. Excedrin nighttime is pure magic. I still suffer "after-affects" like some weakeness the next day or a sense of general disorientation, but that's it. Oh can't get Excedrin here (Maybe at Costco, though?) but I have friends send me huge jars.
Hope that helps!
PS: Sorry, I see this is an old thread, still ...hope it helps in some way.