I am going crazy just trying to figure out whether the
January 3. My fiance can only come for few days and so we have to time it right. I called the city 311 number, checked the
http://www.cityclerk.nyc.gov/html/home/home.shtml website and even called the city clerk 212.
311 - basically reading the website back to me and couldn't tell me if it would be open.
212 city clerk office number - no one picks up the line or just got push to the answering machine.
website - It says it don't open on holidays or weekend but I am worry if they are open on the 3rd since it is only a few days after the new year.
I know I can go to the city clerk office in person but I just want to know if anyone got a clue before I travel all the way over there. I assuming that it should open, since new year had pass and should be back to normal??
Anyone know anything about this. if their open on the 3rd??
Anyone know a friend or anyone you can ask about this?