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Topic: Anyone ever give up (or not be able to wear) contact lenses?  (Read 2055 times)

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Re: Anyone ever give up (or not be able to wear) contact lenses?
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2010, 10:55:28 AM »
I started wearing contacts when I was 14 but haven't been able to wear them on a regular basis for quite a while.  Like others, my eyes are getting dryer the older I get. 
If we go out somewhere (which is VERY rare) I do have some dailies that I can wear for a few hours before they become uncomfortable.  I will also wear them if we go swimming. 
My prescription is around -6.75 and I have an astigmatism in the left eye. 

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Re: Anyone ever give up (or not be able to wear) contact lenses?
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2010, 11:32:24 AM »
I started wearing contacts when I was 16 or 17. For about 10 years they were great (especially as I can't actually _see_ my glasses once I've taken them off) but then my eyes started getting very very very dried out when I was at work from the excessive air conditioning so I switched to primarily wearing glasses. About a year ago, when I got my eyes checked before coming to the UK, I mentioned the dry-eyes thing and my optitian suggested a newer version of my contacts (Johnson&Johnson fortnight disposals) which breath better than the old ones. They're about $13 more a box but they're much more comfortable. 

I don't like wearing my glasses if I'm going outside in the winter as the metal frames get very very very very very cold against my face and it hurts.  Which reminds me, I want to look into glass or bone stud earrings as my metal posts do the same :(

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Re: Anyone ever give up (or not be able to wear) contact lenses?
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2010, 01:35:24 PM »
I quit wearing them about 5 years ago, but really because they were more effort and expense than was worthwhile. I am a person who really never could wear them more than 12 hours anyway, so trying to keep up with their maintenance was a big hassle. Maybe I'll try again one day with dailies that I can just toss when I'm done.
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Re: Anyone ever give up (or not be able to wear) contact lenses?
« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2010, 06:11:05 PM »
Used to wear the old hard-hard lenses from when I was 15, then went into gas-perm hard lenses until I was in my mid- to late 20s.  Started getting constant corneal infections, so had to give up the contacts all together.

Last year, after I'd already paid the bomb for my new varifocals, the optician talked me into trying the new silicon hydrogel toric lenses (monthly wear).  They're okay, but I still need reading glasses when I'm wearing them  - like if I'm, uh, reading or doing something closeup, like working.  Kind of defeats the purpose of wearing contacts, if you still need some kind of glasses over them.

I seem to do okay with them when I wear them, but I spent so much on my glasses & the contacts just seem like such a faff to me now - guess I spent so many years out of the habit of dealing with them.

I still have one, sealed unworn pair of the contacts, but still not sure if I'm going to bother with getting any more.
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Re: Anyone ever give up (or not be able to wear) contact lenses?
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2010, 12:17:22 PM »
I used to have all kinds of problems with contacts- so much so I ended up with corneal ulcers -

Fast forward many years and I want to try again - I was using monthlies- and they were still causing me problems- turns out I am really senstive to the solutions they sit in from the case from the manufactuer and then it was the contact lens solution that I was using causing all my problems with dry eyes, etc

Switched to the hydrogen peroxide solution and stay away from the multi-purpose solutions and things have gotten soooooooooo much better.    So I usually have to soak them overnight for a first use- as the mfg solution really irritates my eyes badly and I have to take out the lenses anyways. And then it takes me a good week or so before the lens actually feels comfortable.  So dailies wouldn't work for me at all and so oddly for me, the older the lens, the better it feels in my eyes. And I am really, really, really bad- but I usually get a 2 week pair to last me 2 months. Wayyyyyyyyyyy off label- but I had an optomistrist tell me it was ok, since I have such a problem with the solutions they sit it-  I tried it, and I have never had any problems since.     
Its gotten even better since the nice breathable accuve oasys that are finally made for astigmatism are available. 
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