I'm trying to put thirty meals in the freezer for my mom before I leave on Thursday, so that she has healthy prepared food during the recovery process. The food has to be low in fat, salt and diabetic friendly. I've done this a few times for friends who were about to have a baby, but never with dietary restrictions involved. So far I have White Chicken Chili, homemade Chicken Soup and Andee's Very Veggie Spaghetti sauce- this amounts to about 10-12 meals. I'm putting everything in small containers, so she can defrost one meal at a time. I don't want them to all be stews and soups, because that would get a little boring, but I'm at a loss for anything else. Usually I do things like lasagne etc. but I wonder if that is too many carbs? Money really isn't an issue and I intend on using all organic meats, fruits, and vegetables. I would really appreciate any input.
Also, not to be a demanding PITA but I'm only here until Thursday so I plan on cooking the rest on Wednesday. So, quick replies would be most helpful. Apologies for the time constraints. Thank you all in advance.