Hi all
Another aspect is of course with the financial mess which is the UK currently, lots of things are going up in price.
Insurance is one of them, definitley. In contrast to many of you here from the US and perhaps with less or no no claims bonus etc, I'm absolutley fuming! I do have full NCB, no convictions, one non fault accident 4 years ago and all costs recovered, and yet my insurance has gone UP by a whopping £250 or so this year to around £950. I'm not happy about it, called around various places who wanted £1300 or so!
I am with a broker, and when I asked, he did say this year the prices have gone up across the board for insurance. So really, nothing I can do except stump up. With many other items getting more expensive, and of course early 2011 when VAT goes up etc, we'll all see our costs rising fairly significantly in this respect.
The only real way to make a substantial dfference to a car insurance quote, is to compromise and get a smaller sized/engine car.
Not good hey.. Cheers, DtM! West London & Slough UK!