We were going to get some food to order since it's just the two of us, but we weren't quick enough and missed the ordering deadline. So I will be cooking after all, and we'll have leftovers until February. We're having:
roast beef
Yorkshire pudding (Delia's recipe)
roast potatoes
roast butternut squash and apple puree
buttered cabbage
Champignons Bordelaise (chestnut mushrooms quartered, sauteed in butter with some shallots, then tossed in puff pastry crumbs and tarragon. So delicious.)
Christmas pudding for DH and toffee pudding for me
With the exception of the roasties and the puddings, this is pretty much my family's traditional Christmas meal, so I'm really looking forward to it, despite all the cooking.
Does anyone have any tips for roasting potatoes in goose fat? Usually, when I roast potatoes, I just quarter them, toss them in olive oil and sea salt and put them in the oven until they're done. But I want to try goose fat ones this year. Help!