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Topic: What happens if you get denied a visa?  (Read 3086 times)

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What happens if you get denied a visa?
« on: February 22, 2011, 10:35:47 PM »

I am about to apply for my prospective student visa and I am getting a bit trigger shy as I don't know what happens if you get denied. I seem to fit all of the qualifications but it is just a what if scenario. I plan to go to the UK on the 24th of March so would I not be allowed to go if my visa was denied? Also, do I have to send in my passport when applying for the visa online? Or do I just bring it in when I have my appointment?

I would appreciate any feedback! Thanks!

Re: What happens if you get denied a visa?
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2011, 10:44:27 PM »
If your visa is refused (they're not denied) then usually you will need to apply for a visa each time you wish to travel to the UK in the future. You won't be allowed to travel 'visa free'.

It sounds like you don't understand the visa application process. Unless you're using the Premium Service you won't be having 'an appointment' at the Embassy.

Have a read over the WorldBridge website. Select United States from the Drop Down Menu and then select 'How do I apply?' from the menu on the left. It will walk you through the application process Step-by-Step. Also check out the 'Additional Services' page for your options for processing at the Consulate.

It would also be helpful if you posted your visa related questions to the Visas & Citizenship board as some who frequent that board (such as myself) don't normally come to the 'Student Lounge' (I usually have it on ignore but for some reason my settings have changed on thier own :-\\\\).

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Re: What happens if you get denied a visa?
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2011, 10:57:51 PM »
First off, visas are not denied, they are refused. If your visa is refused, then you will need to apply for a visa every time you wish to travel to the UK in the future.

You will need to send off your passport but that will be after you have attended your biometrics appointment.

The basic application process is:
Apply online, pay for the visa and book your biometrics appointment
Attend your biometrics appointment (you will need to take your passport and appointment confirmation sheet). It should take about 10 minutes for your photo and fingerprints to be taken.
Mail your passport, printed application, biometrics sheet, and all your supporting documens to the consulate. They must get there within 14 calendar days of the biometrics appointment date.
It can take up to 30 working days to be processed, but you can purchase the priority service for $150 from the Worldbridge website to get it processed in 48 hours. You shouldn't book any travel until you have your visa.

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