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Topic: Mobile Phones?  (Read 1952 times)

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Mobile Phones?
« on: March 29, 2011, 11:12:31 PM »
Hey everyone!

I'm waiting to hear back from a MA program (...err programme  ;D) at CSM, I should know within the next two weeks or so.  In the mean time I have been doing some research about the important things... you know, like my constant connection to the internet.

I have read that because I won't have any credit history in the UK I won't be able to get a 'pay monthly' phone, I'll have to get a 'pay as you go'.  Is that true? Or is there anyway the school can prove who you are.

If the answer to that is no, if I get a global phone here in the states, can I get a pay as you go sim card that will work for a smart phone (with data plans and all that)?  If I get one in the states, it will probably be the Droid 2 Global if that helps at all.

Thanks for all the help, and let me know if you are at CSM!!

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Re: Mobile Phones?
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2011, 11:18:09 AM »
Not sure on the 1st question, but I'm guessing no. As for the sim card it depends on the carrier. I have a Verizon world phone, but can't use any sim card in it. Tried to get it unlocked, didn't work. I went with a £5 pay as you go, get unlimited texts every month which is fine for me. If I end up staying will get a better phone.

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Re: Mobile Phones?
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2011, 11:48:32 AM »
Yeah, you're pretty much limited to a PAYG when you first arrive here.  Your uni won't be able to do anything about it, but if you manage to get some bills in your name like the electric or the landline/internet, that could help to establish some credit and you might be able to try for one later on.

That said, if you're worried that the PAYG phones aren't that great, there are actually some really good options for PAYG phones (though mine is just a £10 little old-school thing  :P).  I know Orange offers a BlackBerry and a couple of other smart phones that I can't think of off the top of my head.  Not sure about the other providers but I'd imagine they have something equivalent or possibly even better. 

There are also different PAYG plans, so you can get one that gives you, for instance,  free texts if you top up by £10 or more every month, or one that will give you a certain amount of free internet if you top up £10 or more a month, etc...

With swapping out the sim, my friend brought her iPhone over from the US and managed to unlock it and put a PAYG sim in, thought I'm not sure of the specifics.  I think it can be hit or miss as to whether or not that will work.
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Re: Mobile Phones?
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2011, 12:57:53 PM »
I got a contract when I first moved, but had to pay a £75 deposit on the phone since I had no credit history. After 12 months that was paid back to me as a credit on my account, so I didn't have to pay for 4 months! However, all credit seems to have gotten tighter since back then (2003), so it may just not be possible now. Worth shopping around though!
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Re: Mobile Phones?
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2011, 07:44:50 PM »
I second what NoseOverTail says. The PAYG plans in the UK are much better than what I've ever seen in the US.  I got a quadband Palm Pixi for £100 on O2. With just a £10 top up, I get something like 300 free txts, and unlimited internet.  It works in the US too, but my Verizon phone was still hooked up there, so I just used that when I was over at Christmas.  I'm sure if you shop around you'll find something that suits you :)

Good luck with your application, hopefully you hear good news soon!
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Re: Mobile Phones?
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2011, 03:21:25 AM »
ah excellent, that is way better than the PAYG in the US.  I was mostly wanting one that could download an app for messaging like skype or what have you so I could keep up with family and friends a little easier.

I guess I'll just go with the wait until I get there strategy.

Thanks again everyone for your help!  Makes me almost feel like I have a grip on what's going on, haha.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2011, 03:34:20 AM by nevernexus »

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Re: Mobile Phones?
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2011, 12:05:30 PM »
Also, if you want to find a decent phone for a good deal keep checking with HotUKDeals I managed to pick up a HTC Wildfire (unbranded & unlocked) for less than £130.

O2 have an online only sim company called GiffGaff who are currently running a deal for £20 600 mins, unlimited texts and unlimited internet

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Re: Mobile Phones?
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2011, 09:44:48 PM »
Don't forget whatsapp!! Free text messaging service that I couldn't live without! It runs off the internet--you can even set up groups. Its been such a great help in allowing me to chat with my friends and boyfriend depending on which country i'm in!

I was able to set up a bank account with HSBC called the passport account that is specifically designed for students, travelers, etc and although it does have an 8 quid monthly charge it helps to build your credit right away. As someone else mentioned having bills in your name will help also. Oh! And side note--its great to set up a bank account right away because then you can get a debit card with the "chip and pin" whereas American cards don't have that! It was so annoying trying to use my American cards because if your signature doesn't look exactly like the one on the card they can hassle you about it.

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