Has anyone ever used this for their pet? My vet is really pushing for me to give my cat a small dose of this a couple of days before we fly to the US. She's an older cat and apparently she has a slight heart murmur.
My cat is older (15), but I wouldn't consider her high strung. Yeah, she's a pain to get in the crate, but she's fine when she's in there. She isn't mean to people (unless they're shaving her neck and drawing blood) and I wouldn't consider her a 'scaredy cat' (she doesn't shiver from fear). She had her bloods run today and they all came back normal (liver, kidneys, glucose, etc) and there's potential she has arthritis in her back legs, but it's certainly not debilitating.
I know that you're definitely not supposed to drug animals before they fly, but my vet is pushing this stuff pretty hard on me. According to my vet, it's all natural, so it's not giving her a drug.
Any thoughts?