I was thinking about this a lot tonight: We face fears a lot in life, and I think sometimes it's a good thing to vocalize them so you know your not alone in those fears as well as receive kudos and encouragement when you face them! It's a big deal when you succeed and win! So what are some of the fears you have had or have currently? How are you facing them? How did you win them? How did you get up and try again? How can you encourage others?
My current top fears:
-Driving, which I do almost on a daily basis right now, so I'm really working hard to over-come the fear! Also, I'm going to cheat and get a GPS!
-New Job- Learning and selling in a new culture and again..driving! LOL! (It's a B2B sales job) Will I be successful? (Then come the dreaded "what if" questions!)
When I moved, I had loads of fears from fitting into my new home and making friends, leaving family and everything familiar and work and just overall settling into the culture. I still get homesick and it intensifies when I'm scared because I go to the though of "If I were at home in the U.S. this wouldn't be a problem" but overall, I try to face my fears straight on and tell myself that "I CAN do it!" with a positive attitude. I have found that a home is where you make it and all the reasons why I choose to be here and having that attitude has really helped me move forward in facing those fears and really finding happiness in my settling and adjusting...But I'm in baby stages here.
How about you guys?