Okay, sooo, updates for anyone that cares and is willing to assist! (Btw, thank you to everyone that has been following some of the things I post and that has given me positive/realistic feedback. Really appreciate it and it's been most helpful. <3

I have a phone interview for the college that I really want to go to, that is going to be set up soon. Basically they're going to evaluate me and see if I'd be good for the course. I'm really nervous/excited. Wish me luck! Because I'll no doubt be needing it. Anyways, I used NoseOverTail's advice and asked about American Student Loans. I got some bad news back, but hopefully I'll be able to figure something out. This is what I got back and I quote,
Regarding the loan situation, as we are not primarily a higher education establishment, we are unable to process student loans for college courses. Student loans are only for university degrees and the course you have applied for is an access course; therefore this will not be possible. And just to make you aware, because you will be an international student, we will need the course fees paid before you commence the course."
To which my immediate response was... f**k. lol. I already knew I'd have to give them the money first. But now to not be able to use a student loan? Great. My friend (who I met on here! : D) and I were talking last night about it on chat and I was pretty down about it. (She's also in the process of going back to England, she'll most likely have an easier time then me since she actually has qualifications.) I have no idea what I should do about the money or how to go about getting it. Now I feel like an adult, haha. Having to deal with money issues. Good times. Honestly, I have NO clue where to even start. I don't know anything really about loans, or how they work, or how they're processed. It's all pretty new and confusing to me. I try to look online. Google, you're supposed to be my friend. And I just don't get any straight forward answers. It's aggravating me. When I can't find an answer to my question on there, or somewhere else, that's when I come here to the forums.
I know grants you don't have to pay back, but I think the most you can get for a grant is like.. $5,500 or something and that is waaaay less then what I actually need. My friend did the math for me (since I suck at it) and she said it'd be around $17,000. It was less then I thought, but still.. that's still quite a bit of money. Not sure how I should go about getting it... Ugh, SO frustrating!
On the upside of everything.. I am going to see Rammstein in Toronto, lol. Any info/suggestions are always very much appreciated.