I am always the one leading sing songs anywhere you go, so I can think of quite a few songs that are unique to the UK, and some even to the North West. I am sure you can find all of these songs on YouTube...
Wind the Bobbin up...thats about children working in mills.
Two little dickie birds sat on a wall, one named peter the other named paul...
Sleeping Bunnies
Jingle Jangle Scarecrow
Ring a Ring a Rosie (with the Atischoo lyrics)
Row Row Row your boat (and if you see a Crocodlie don't forget to scream, if you see a polar bear don't forget to shiver...)
The Bells of St Clements
Round and Round the garden like a teddy bear...
Teddy Bears Picnic
The Grand Old Duke of York
Ten Little Sausages Sizzling in a pan
Five Current Buns
1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a fish alive
Horsey Horsey Don't you stop
Here is a link I found with some more information
http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A3577647Signed the queen of the singalong!