Not sure if this matters to the OP, but I have actually come across an exemption for certain relocation payments.
From your employer helps you to move home because of your job, any payments you receive, or any goods or services provided for you, are treated as part of your earnings for tax and NICs purposes. However, the first £8,000 of any help you get from your employer is exempt from tax and NICs as long as certain conditions are met.
You can qualify for the exemption if
you have to move home to
- take up a new job with a new employer
- take up a new job with your existing employer
- continue your current job but at a new location
your existing home is not within reasonable daily travelling distance of your new workplace
the home you move to is within reasonable daily travelling distance of your new workplace
your employer reimburses your expenses.
But, if your employer pays you a sum of money that you can use as you wish, no exemption will be available. The full amount would be chargeable to tax and NICs.