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Topic: 30 Day Shred  (Read 16166 times)

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Re: 30 Day Shred
« Reply #60 on: June 17, 2011, 07:14:02 PM »
I've been doing 30DS for 2 weeks on Saturday.  I had been exercising every day for 6 weeks before I started it...and it killed me (granted I hadn't been doing any strength training at all before that).  The only thing I modified were the pushups and I did the same number of reps as the girls in the video.  My arms were a tiny bit sore when I finished but I was fine until the next afternoon.  Then I could barely walk!

I haven't been doing it everyday because I like to rotate with other things (plus I just started an hour-long exercise-related class and I would literally die if I did this on the same days) but I'm probably up to about Day 10 now (haven't really been keeping track...oops).

I took a 4 day break from it this week and just started again today.  If I'm not sore tomorrow then I'll move up to Level 2 because I'm getting a bit bored with the first level now (except the pushups...but I'm also doing 25 additional pushups daily and it's killing my armpit area!).

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