Is there a thread or board for discussing how to apply for Social Security Disability?
The application online doesn't allow for a UK address. Also, I'd like tips on how to do it and if it's worth it to use one of the services that help you apply and take a percentage of your award if you get the disability.
I'm very worried that I've waited to late with this. I didn't realize that you had to have worked five of the last 10 years to apply. I've worked 6 of the last 10 years as of now, so I'm running out of time.
I was in a very bad way and about to need to stop working when we moved here, and I kept hoping I'd get better. Then when I realized I wouldn't, I kept thinking I'll wait until we're back in the States. But it looks like that won't happen, at least not anytime soon. I'm really hoping I haven't wasted my chance to get SSD, as I've worked very hard all my life until my physical problems tore my life apart.