My husband and I run a computer training company and it's located in the building where we live. (We live 'above the shop'.) Part of the course is to provide lunches, and since we are not a full-blown, huge training company, we do not have staff, nor separate kitchen facilities, nor lunchroom staff, to go through the process of having periodic health & saftey inspections. Therefore, we do not prepare the lunches ourselves.
We have, on occasion, requirements to provide lunches for people who are vegan. This can either be presented in a form of takeaways, or groceries bought at a store (but they have to be edible-out-of-the-pack). We just basically serve it up.
We're fortunate in that we have a great relationship with some of the local takeaways and they specially prepare meals for us. But, these are Indian and Chinese resturants, and for a week-long course, people (and the other students) want another option/variety.
I have looked online for a "Shopping list" of items that are clear-cut yes (or no) for vegans, and I come up short. I'm also faced with the fact that philosophies vary within the vegan community. Some won't eat honey. Some will eat things with yeast, etc. Even these variances cause great heated debates within.
Since there are some on here who are vegetarian, have you run across a list of dos and don'ts for vegans? Have you seen a book for this? An article in a magazine? I'm pretty much looking for a complete shopping list, and one that defines the grey areas as well. I'm surprised I haven't seen this online. Some come close, but they are more suggestions, rather than full lists.