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Topic: Does this sound like an ok idea?  (Read 935 times)

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Does this sound like an ok idea?
« on: September 06, 2011, 05:45:17 AM »
Sorry if this should be in another area? But anyways, instead of crying that I'm not currently visiting England, I thought I'd attempt to be a tad positive and come up with a decent visit plan/career plan for myself. I have enough money to go over and visit England sometime early next year. Could go now, but I want to save up more money. I'm looking into visitor visas and such for possibly 3 months instead of 6 months. My friend and I are going to talk tomorrow and he's going to help me with signing up for college for the spring. (He already goes to the college I want to go to here.) He's going to college here for free (which is weird seeing as he's from Bosnia but has been living here for a while o__O) and he said we might be able to do the same for myself. But.. meh, we'll see how that pans out.

I'm looking into Speech Therapy as a possible career as it very much interests me and they happen to have it as a course of study so I'm really stoked about that. I also found through a bit of research that they have a study abroad program. I was a bit shocked because it's a community college and for some reason I just didn't see that in the cards. That was a bit exciting to me. I realized I'm probably not going to get anywhere, especially in these times, without an education.

This is my current.. hypothetical plan. I would like to go to England for a few months, visiting, go back home to start college, do that for awhile, do the study abroad program sometime, if I can. Transfer colleges eventually and hopefully go to the university I've been dying to go to for a while, UEA. All hypothetical at the moment everything is up in the air, but, I'd really like to sort out some kind of educational plan. I haven't mentioned any of this idea to my family. I just hope this plan seems, sort of.. ok? Thoughts? Suggestions? Thanks in advance yo :)

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Re: Does this sound like an ok idea?
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2011, 02:19:59 PM »
Not knowing all of the specifics, I think your plan is good. Planning to have a plan is always a great start! Your plan will probably change a lot, but that's ok. I know that the rules about studying abroad change all the time, and unfortunately are getting more and more strict.

However, if you work hard, get into the school you like, and get amazing grades, that will put you at the head of the line to study abroad. And if you can't study abroad, who cares? You will have gotten a great education that will allow you to do something else which will possibly be even more amazing, and you will have some good savings set aside for when you need it.

Never underestimate Community College. I had a great experience at mine. I think that you can learn as much as you want at any university. The profs. at Community Colleges are usually very down to earth which means they have lots of time to talk to students. If you want to do a special, in depth project, you can find someone who will help you do that and you'll wind up with a world class education. If you talk to them all, you are bound to find one who studied abroad, and perhaps she will be willing to be a mentor to you, and help you achieve your goal.

Good luck!
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Re: Does this sound like an ok idea?
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2011, 02:39:38 PM »
It sounds like a nice idea, but if you're planning on transferring your credits from community college to a university in England, you may have some difficulty, or they just may not allow it. period.

When students in the UK start university, they start from Year 1, and take a set timetable of classes. There are no such thing as General Education classes, and you're required to pass Year 1 to make it to Year 2, and so on.  They might not allow you to transfer for just part of the degree, since all other students will have taken a (nearly) identical course of study.

However, if you intend to get your Associate's degree in the US, and then transfer for the full UK program, then you shouldn't have any problems.

Good luck!
2007-Short Term Student;   2010-T4;   2011-T1 PSW;   2013-FLR(M);    2015-ILR;    2016 - Citizenship (approved!)

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Re: Does this sound like an ok idea?
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2011, 03:24:08 AM »

Thanks so much. I just don't want to not plan ahead and regret it later. I just pray that if I work really hard I'll be able to get awesome grades. I think I did underestimate it at first, but now that I'm looking through all these programs and possibilities I think it would be a very wise decision on my part to enroll. Thanks again, really appreciate all the kind words!


Oh yeah, that's true. That could be a problem. But that's good to know about the Associates degree, thanks so much for the info! Very much appreciate it.

Re: Does this sound like an ok idea?
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2011, 04:25:53 AM »
It sounds like a good plan to me.

It's always good to prepare for your future...and look at it from the worst case scenario aspect. You may not be able to get into a UK University & never move to the UK. So it's always good to have a back up plan that will lead you into a carreer that you enjoy and build a work history with... and you never know what your future may hold.

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