Narrative of coming into a Scottish airport around 6pm on strike day.
tl;dr: boring.
So basically, my USC husband (on an FLR M visa) and I came in from the continent. I was going to bring him through the EU line anyway, but then the UKBA website said one of the helpful things would be not to have families in different queues, so that solved it.
Our flight was clearly the only one landing at that time, and it was a smallish cityhopper-type plane, so no more than 75 people. All the desks were manned so there was virtually no queue. There were 4 or so police officers hanging out together behind the desks, which was slightly unsettling simply because everything else appeared perfectly normal. They just aren't usually there.
It seemed kind of obvious who was actually UKBA and who was a guvvie drafted in for the day, though I didn't confirm any of my suspicions.
So DH and I went up to an EU desk, and we were politely sent to one of the non-EU desks because the guy didn't have the stamp for DH's passport. It wasn't a problem that we had gone there, but we did have to go elsewhere. We went to the other desk, where my passport was scanned and handed back, and DH's passport and ID card (residency permit) were also scanned. The guy asked whether DH had an older passport with previous visas in it - which he does, but didn't have it with him - I guess he asked because the passport was new and empty - and stamped the passport and wrote the ID card number beneath it, which he explained wasn't a secret code, but just so they know you're a resident. And no, we won't send you to Guantanamo Bay.
Then we went home and gave the cat her present, namely continental kitty treats.
So really, a non-issue for us!