I know this topic has come up several times, but I'm wanting to get current info.
I'm looking to buy a flight for myself, DH & kids from BA (British Airways). They only accept payment in GBP. The flight total is about £2k (approx. $3,200)...
My Dad is going to give us a substantial amount towards our flight cost, but he's in the US with only a US bank account. I have both US & UK accounts. I can make withdrawls from my US credit union, but I can only take out £200 per day.
I can either pay on a US credit card and take their exchange rate (3% fee after exchanged to USD) or I can have my Dad transfer the money to us. However, since it would be a large amount of money I don't know what charges or fees would be involved (ie. customs, taxes, exchange rates etc.) if I would use something like PayPal or XE etc.
Any help would be appreciated to make this as easy to understand as possible!