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Topic: Obtaining a Criminal background check from USA while in UK to obtain SIA badge  (Read 1080 times)

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Ive been here in Uk for a year on a spousal visa and paid for my training and passed the course all to be told i have to obtain a CRB from my home country when i already paid for biometrics and sent the UKBA a original copy of my CRB and they never gave it back and with all paid for why do i have to get aother CRB. and then i was told to contact FBI back in the states and get one. But guess what my CRB is 18$ plus i have to wait 6weeks but before i can do that and aparrently wih all the technology we have i have to post the forms but i have to pay 67£ for my own finger prints at the police station that was o so helpful and. yes im being sarcastic. So if there is anyone who has any advice or can help ..Please feel free to reply.Thank you

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Welcome along...   and..   breathe!

You don't have any history of being in the UK so the various departments will want you to obtain the check report from back in the USA. Perhaps ask the UKBA for your certificate back ? hopefully it'll be acceptable for the SIA check to go through - I'd guess they also want their fee and also perhaps will need to submit your details against the records they do have so far about you etc.

This is perhaps one of those things where it's just a long winded drag of a process, with overlap and of course double payments/charges. There's not much generally I can think of that would help etc.

If it makes you feel any better, I've just gone through submitting my application for Security related matters which is quite a few rungs higher than the SIA level you are going for. The sheer amount of information needed and that I had to gather was phenomenal, and I know there's multiple higher levels than the one I've just applied for too! I now have to play a waiting game of perhaps 2/3 months before I know the outcomes etc - in this case I personally haven't had to pay the fees needed thankfully!

Hopefully you will get your information and it'll all get cleared and passed etc.

Cheers, DtM! West London & Slough UK!

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Thanks for the info you do have its jus frustrating with all the fees and waiting. But its worth it but thank you anyway and best of luck with your career and getting sorted.

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