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Topic: short cycling quiz  (Read 1385 times)

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short cycling quiz
« on: August 25, 2004, 02:21:50 PM »
[moderator: I've posted this in Travel & Transport rather than Sports because for me, cycling isn't primarily a sport]

1) Do you regularly ride a bicycle?
2) If so, do you use it chiefly for commuting & errands, or recreation?
3) Did you ride in the US, or take it up in the UK?
4) If you don't ride, why not? Does it seem too dangerous? Does it simply not appeal?

thanks for any replies

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Re: short cycling quiz
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2004, 02:28:44 PM »
1) Do you regularly ride a bicycle?


2) If so, do you use it chiefly for commuting & errands, or recreation?

If I could, I would use it for all of the above.

3) Did you ride in the US, or take it up in the UK?

Rode in the US

4) If you don't ride, why not? Does it seem too dangerous? Does it simply not appeal?

In my area, the roads are too small and cycle lanes are few and far between.  I would do most of my day-to-day errands on a bike, plus use it as a form of recreation with baby.  At present, there's no way in this world you'd get me on a bike with a baby until I felt safe.
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Re: short cycling quiz
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2004, 06:59:00 PM »
1) Do you regularly ride a bicycle?

Not regularly year round, but regularly in the spring.

2) If so, do you use it chiefly for commuting & errands, or recreation?

For the commute-it's the fastest and cheapest way to get from my work to my daughter's school.

3) Did you ride in the US, or take it up in the UK?

I rode in the US while at Uni-it was my mode of transport but where I really got in the habit was my year as an exchange student (22 years ago) in Japan. 

4) If you don't ride, why not? Does it seem too dangerous? Does it simply not appeal?

When I don't ride-it's generally the weather, the hills, and the traffic. 

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Re: short cycling quiz
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2004, 07:15:47 PM »
[moderator: I've posted this in Travel & Transport rather than Sports because for me, cycling isn't primarily a sport]

Sam - your very welcome to post it here.  I'm going to answer in a minute.   Delighted to have polls, discussions, help, exchanges of views ....

- Graham (a.k.a. Moderator ;-) )

-- Graham
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Re: short cycling quiz
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2004, 07:22:29 PM »
1) Do you regularly ride a bicycle?

No, but I would really like to.  Most of my journeys are time constrained and over a considerable distance (e.g. today I drove 80 miles) or I have to carry bulky objects and / or pick up people.  I used to cycle many miles in my youth, and have cycled around such safe places for cyclists as London't Trafalgar Square ;D

2) If so, do you use it chiefly for commuting & errands, or recreation?


3) Did you ride in the US, or take it up in the UK?

Ah - caught me.  I'm a Brit and here bcause I have an wife who moved over from the USA. I have never cycled in The States but would given appropriate location / opportunity.

4) If you don't ride, why not? Does it seem too dangerous? Does it simply not appeal?

Oops - largely answered in my opening essay.  I think "not practical".   Our town centre is a walk rather than a ride unless there's heavy items to carry or people to pick up.  And any other journies are much further  and / or hillier and I'm getting older and less fit.

Having said all that ... I may get my daughter's byke out and cycle into town next time. you may have a convert here!

-- Graham
Well House Consultants - Open Source training
Well House Manor - Hotel in Melksham, Wiltshire

Re: short cycling quiz
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2004, 10:56:26 PM »
1) Do you regularly ride a bicycle?

Yes, a mixed Raleigh.

2) If so, do you use it chiefly for commuting & errands, or recreation?

I use it to commute to work, but in the winter months, when its rainy and damp, I often jsut take the bus. Don't own a car, so the pony has to work for everything else. Don't really use it for recreation, which is mainly covered by concept 2 rowing.

3) Did you ride in the US, or take it up in the UK?

I took it up when I lived in East Berlin. Afterwards I did in Manhattan for many, many years. Continue here even though Coventry is just about the worst place ever for a bike.

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Re: short cycling quiz
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2004, 11:09:09 PM »
so the pony has to work for everything else

Sorry, I'm going to slightly hijack this thread for a moment.  Lightbulb, what you've said above reminds me a book written by Roddy Doyle called A Star Called Henry.  It's set in the early 1900's in Dublin.  The main character rides a bike which he dubbed the Arseless Horse -- often shortened to simply 'the Arseless'.
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Re: short cycling quiz
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2004, 07:44:28 AM »
1) Do you regularly ride a bicycle?

I really, really try to. I have in the past. When I lived in Austin, I rode my bike nearly everywhere I went. In Houston, not as much as I should. During tolerable weather I have been known to ride fifty miles in a day (Houston is very flat). But Houston is very large and very hot and I have nearly knocked myself out from riding too far, too hot, riding too competitively with the autos on the streets. When I come to the UK next week it will be my only personal mode of transport -- something I am both excited about and totally terrified of.

2) If so, do you use it chiefly for commuting & errands, or recreation?

Both. Although I get the most satisfaction out of doing every single errand I have to do for a day on my bike. I like riding out for a beer, too.

3) Did you ride in the US, or take it up in the UK?

All my riding experience is in the US, but next week I shall give it a real trial by fire in England.

4) If you don't ride, why not? Does it seem too dangerous? Does it simply not appeal?

When I choose not to ride here it is primarily because it is 98 degrees or higher, or it is storming, or I know there will be a tremendous amount of traffic. In Houston you can count on at least two out of the three for at least five months out of the year. Also, there are not really any well-concieved bike routes out here -- it's sort of highway-based. Once you get out of downtown, you have no choice but to join up with the cars on the main roads.

Austin, Texas is entirely the opposite, and I felt good riding there in almost any condition except the super-heat. But in Austin, when it is hotter than 100 degrees, all buses are free for the day.

How I like depending on a bicycle in the UK remains to be seen, but it really looks like I will enjoy it for the most part--I'll let you know in a month or two!

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Re: short cycling quiz
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2004, 12:08:19 AM »
Thanks to everyone who responded!

Incidentally, there's a cycle show going on in London 23-26 Sept @ the Business Design Center in Islington. http://www.cycleshow.co.uk
« Last Edit: September 23, 2004, 08:46:31 AM by sam »

'German chocolate cake frosting was my Waterloo,' sighed the pudgy little corporal while licking cocoa from his mustachios.

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