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Topic: A bit overthinking  (Read 1105 times)

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A bit overthinking
« on: April 23, 2012, 10:30:49 PM »
Okayyy, so, I finally have everything almost ready to go. I've been a bit late on packing and such, but I'm not going to overpack like last time. This is in my document list; Air travel confirmation (I bought one ticket from here in NY to Boston, where I'm going to be staying overnight in a hotel with relatives) then I'm going from Boston to London alone (then I have my return eticket confirmation from London>Boston>NY) Sooo.. lot of tickets, haha. Then I have my cruise confirmation.

A letter from my grandmother saying thank you to my boyfriend's mum for letting me come over to visit again and saying that we have a busy year ahead. A letter of invitation (I made my bf make it all "proper"). And, finally, my bank statement, $1,000ish in the bank for a 3 week visit, which I'm waiting until a few days before I leave to get. I wasn't able to get a statement from my soon-to-be employer because she's been too busy. I'm going tomorrow to my GED place to see if I can get any kind of documentation (besides the tiny GED cards with the date I have to be back for classes on them)

Now, say I can't get the GED verification, should this be an issue do you think? I mean, I have a LOT planned for when I come back and there is my cousin's baby shower in the end of May which she's sending out invitations to and I'll be attending that.. but, meh, probably just over-thinking but it'll help me calm down a bit if someone could give me their educated opinion on how all my documentation would look? >_<

(Sorry I've been clogging up my questions in the forums D: I hope this is in the right area.... )
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 10:33:01 PM by MandyBoo »

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Re: A bit overthinking
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2012, 11:24:48 AM »
Are you asking if the documents you are bringing are what you need to be bringing?  ???

At any rate, hope you have safe & fun travels.  :)

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Re: A bit overthinking
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2012, 04:36:34 AM »
Yeeeah, that's what my question was kinda but, thank you for replying! :)

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Re: A bit overthinking
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2012, 02:20:14 PM »
If you have any sort of documentation for the GED course, I would bring it. If you had to pay for it, do you have a receipt or anything of that nature or the course details? If so, bring them.

I always brought enrollment verification, itineraries and bank statements when I went to visit DF. My trips varied in length (10 days to 36 days) and I was never asked to show any of these things. The IO always asked me why I was there (visiting BF), how long was I staying (I told them the day I was leaving) and then they asked what I was doing at home (student). Then they asked me what I was studying (English). The first time I came to see DF, there were more questions, but I think the IO was trying to determine how well I knew DF because he thought I met him over the internet.

Anyway, the point of my story is that you should be armed with anything that can prove ties, but if you answer their questions honestly and confidently, you should be fine.

I hope you have a good trip and get some Dunkin Donuts in Boston for me!  ;)

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