Sorry havent been around lately but was attempting to get my bearings of the place, plus i dont have my own computer yet so i gotta share Denise's for a little while. For the first couple of days everything was just amazing minus the jet lag O_o, then on the 3rd day i started questioning whether i made the right decision by moving and felt very homesick which actually snuck up on me big time! I still feel slightly homesick and sad from time to time but it doesnt last too long. the other day it may not seem like much to anyone else but it was a huge step for me, since Denise has the flu i went down to the corner store by myself and picked up a few things. Then yesturdayi took another big step and took the bus by myself to Tesco for some more big time shopping everything is just amazing so far, of course me and Denise have had a few arguments over stuff but thats due to us getting used to seeing each other all the time under one roof, its defiantly not smooth sailing by any means but i wouldnt trade anything for the world. Our sex life is even more awesome, because now we dont have to rush it just to squeeze it in like we did with the visits, we take it slow dont do it for many hours and its just even better. Heh, im even starting to get a bit of an accent now, i can hear it sneak in from time to time lol. Just so many things here with food, medical items, ect its better then the US.....I LOVE IT HERE!!!!