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Topic: Weekly Meme Thingy 18 June 2012 Edition  (Read 1695 times)

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Weekly Meme Thingy 18 June 2012 Edition
« on: June 18, 2012, 12:57:20 PM »
What are five things that really  annoy you?

What kitchen utensil can you not live without?

If you could choose one aspect of your personality to pass on to your children (or pretend children if that’s the case), what would it be?

If you’re in a bad (sad, or angry, or confused or upset, etc) mood, what do you do to lift your spirits up?

What was the first car car you owned?

As an aside, if anyone wants to volunteer to do the next one of these thingies, please PM me (first one wins  ;D)

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Re: Weekly Meme Thingy 18 June 2012 Edition
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2012, 12:57:32 PM »
What are five things that really  annoy you?

1.)   Wet socks (and wet feet)!!! YUCK!!!! If my socks get wet, I have to take them off straight away. I have to stand on a towel straight away out of the bath.  2.) Text speak (I use full sentences when texting!). 3.) Things dripping down my wrists (like if you’re eating something really really sloppy like lobster and the juices drip down your wrists- eww!) 4.) Being late and cutting it down to the wire when travelling -It’s the rushing I don’t like, I like to be at the airport 2 hours before a flight, ½ an hour before a train/bus, etc  so I don’t have to run, feel discombobulated,etc  5.) Being a cold car.  Sitting still.  I’m always frozen.  I like the heat on or windows open (if for some reason it’s higher than 20ºC).  

What kitchen utensil can you not live without?

I used to say my really good, sharp general chef’s knife. But ever since I got an allotment, I can’t live without a really good quality vegetable scrub brush.  

If you could choose one aspect of your personality to pass on to your children (or pretend children if that’s the case), what would it be?

Kindness. I like to see the best of everyone= except if they’re horrible mean cows like certain letting agents I know of. But she’s the one exception to the rule. Even then, I would be still be kind to her if for some reason I had to converse with her.  

If you’re in a bad (sad, or angry, or confused or upset, etc) mood, what do you do to lift your spirits up?

Put on the most upbeat Grateful Dead songs and spin in circles.  Call my amazing parents and sisters.  Play the trombone, guitar, piano and/or sing my heart out.  

What was the first car car you owned?

A 1986 cavalier station wagon , called Puffy the Wonder Slug, Part Deux, which I shared with my older sister.  She was blue.  I could fill her up for $5.00 (back when gas prices were cheap!!) and go forever. Insurance was cheap. She was a great wee car.  

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Re: Weekly Meme Thingy 18 June 2012 Edition
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2012, 02:05:16 PM »
What are five things that really  annoy you?
1. When someone thinks they know a question I'm going to ask, and start to answer it, without letting me finish. Almost always, they're answering something obliquely related to my question, rather than what I actually need to know. It wastes an annoying amount of time.
2. Ads that you have to sit through before the DVD menu comes up. I already paid for the darned thing, for a film that will probably be chock-full of product placement.
3. Those crinkly edges from a torn-out spiral notebook page. Gah.
4. When a person says he or she is bored (especially those who say it quite often). There's so much to know, so many things to see and do and experience, and a lot of them can be found online, and don't cost much (or anything, most times).
5. People who make a mess of their neighbourhood - like litterers, or people who don't clean up after their dogs. Leave your own yard in a mess if you will, but the sidewalks and walkways are for everyone.

What kitchen utensil can you not live without?
Grater. I mean, obviously, I need spoons and spatulas and stuff, but I swear I use my grater in making every meal. Cheese, carrots, garlic, potatoes, whatever. I may be super-lazy, but it's a heck of a lot easier than chopping. :P

If you could choose one aspect of your personality to pass on to your children (or pretend children if that’s the case), what would it be?
It would be my tendency to question everything. It's helped me learn and grow. It's not anything I was taught, and it's something that annoyed my mother to no end, so I think that's a personality trait I hope they inherit, instead of a habit or idea that I could teach....

If you’re in a bad (sad, or angry, or confused or upset, etc) mood, what do you do to lift your spirits up?
What I think helps me most is to knit or crochet. Working with yarn, and having to concentrate on counting stitches is so helpful. Plus, I tend to make blankets, hats or other things for donating, so it lifts my spirits to think of helping someone else.

What was the first car car you owned?
A '92 Mazda Protege. I was 18 and completely inexperienced in buying cars, so I totally got jerked around at the dealership, but I still got about five years out of that lemon. There are a lot of good memories in it, many of them that came about because it broke down and left me and my friends stranded. :)
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Re: Weekly Meme Thingy 18 June 2012 Edition
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2012, 02:08:50 PM »
2.) Text speak (I use full sentences when texting!).

Me, too! Friends get annoyed with me because I'll send three or four texts in one go, rather than succumbing to the silly abbreviations! It really, really annoys me when it shows up in places other than texts, though (like if a song is titled "U R the 1"). Blech. ;D
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Re: Weekly Meme Thingy 18 June 2012 Edition
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2012, 08:25:29 PM »
What are five things that really  annoy you?

1. Slow internet when I am paying for high speed. Come on!
2. Car drivers. (esp. when I'm cycling). Why won't they stop at stop signs? And then honk/yell/etc when I do?
3. Cyclists. (when I'm driving). See #2 re stop signs.
4. People who don't/can't/won't follow directions and think the rules don't apply to them. For example: Stop signs.

What kitchen utensil can you not live without?

Hand held cheese slicer. And my whisk. I love whisks.

If you could choose one aspect of your personality to pass on to your children (or pretend children if that’s the case), what would it be?

I always feel like we strive to be the exact opposite of our parents. So maybe I'd like to pass on my laziness and can't do attitude.

If you’re in a bad (sad, or angry, or confused or upset, etc) mood, what do you do to lift your spirits up?

I usually just watch TV. It completely wipes my brain of the sad/mad stuff. I'm going to start going for walks or bike rides instead (when it arrives next week). Maybe even going to the gym. I'm paying enough for it. :)

What was the first car car you owned?

In 1995 I bought a sporty little vixen named Carolina, a 1983 VW Scirocco who was, shall we say, worse for wear. I bought her for $900 and she lasted 4 years of college, when I sold her for $200 to a frat guy who put her in his front yard, stock her with beer and people would hang out on her at parties. Seriously. I then spent that $200 on my tattoo.

Fun questions!

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Re: Weekly Meme Thingy 18 June 2012 Edition
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2012, 10:40:47 PM »

What are five things that really  annoy you?

5.  People walking behind me.  They always seem to stomp their feet and breathe really loudly.  I especially hate when I slow down to let them pass and they slow down too!
4.  Giant pushchairs.  Bonus points if the child is walking and the shopping bags are in the pushchair.
3.  Groups of people who take up the entire pavement and walk really slowly. 
2.  Hypochondriacs.
1.  My lovely, lovely colleague with whom I ride to work annoys me near to death with the way she drives.  She never goes faster than 60, even on the dual carriageway.  She lets every.single.car go ahead of her, at every opportunity.  Often she waves at people to go ahead and they don't see her (because she has the right of way) but she just sits there and waves until they finally notice.  She never overtakes giant, slow-moving lorries.  She always stays in the left lane even when she needs to be in the right one (to enter a roundabout in the right place--this is a long story but it drives me MAAAD!!)  All this adds anywhere from 10-30 minutes (depending on traffic) to our already long commute.  Every morning I watch every other car on the dual carriageway overtake us, and think about how much earlier they will get to work than I will, whilst trying not to tear all my hair out by the roots. 
(In case anyone wonders why I would want to get to work early, I am a teacher so the earlier I get there the more time I have to prepare lessons, and if I'm late I have to go to class unprepared.  Also, we leave too early to have breakfast at home, so if I'm late I don't get my breakfast either)

What kitchen utensil can you not live without?

There's nothing I absolutely can't do without, but I love my hand-carved walnut wooden spoon that I bought in West Virginia more than ten years ago. 

If you could choose one aspect of your personality to pass on to your children (or pretend children if that’s the case), what would it be?

My sense of adventure and eagerness to try new things. 

If you’re in a bad (sad, or angry, or confused or upset, etc) mood, what do you do to lift your spirits up?

Take a long walk, read a book/watch a movie that I love, have a cup of tea!

What was the first car car you owned?

I've never owned a car, but in the States I had a gorgeous plum coloured Vespa LX150 that I miss terribly.  I don't know why I didn't bring it over with me. 

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Re: Weekly Meme Thingy 18 June 2012 Edition
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2012, 07:42:02 AM »

What are five things that really  annoy you?
These are all work-related since I'm working so much right now.

I can annoy myself sometimes.  I end up multi-tasking furiously and then I'll get interrupted and all the 'balls' are dropped and I need to then figure out where I was on each task.  Multi-task a bit less is the answer.

Customers who throw their money down on the counter rather than put it into your hand.

People who don't say please and thank you.

People who are dull and slow in the workplace.

People who don't know how to work as part of a team.

What kitchen utensil can you not live without?
A really good knife.

If you could choose one aspect of your personality to pass on to your children (or pretend children if that’s the case), what would it be?
Besides being kind, a sense of wonder, adventure, and mystery--a rich inner life.  Children have this anyway, but if my (pretend) children entered adulthood with that intact, I'd be happy (and so would they).

If you’re in a bad (sad, or angry, or confused or upset, etc) mood, what do you do to lift your spirits up?
I'm not so good at this one, I tend to wallow.  I'd probably get Dylan the cat to snuggle me and have a long talk with him about what's bothering me.

What was the first car car you owned?
I have never owned a car (not counting my hubby (and ex) which, I guess when you're married you both own it, but I don't drive, so....).

Re: text speak (or type?)  I don't mind it at all in a text.  Texting takes so long as it is that text speak evolved for a reason.  (also was cheaper to use less letters).  I think its an interesting and creative off shoot of our language.  And different languages do it differently, of course.

I wouldn't like it in a letter, an email or on a forum like this as it makes people come across as uneducated and ignorant (sorry!).  But in a text, I think it's perfectly acceptable.
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Re: Weekly Meme Thingy 18 June 2012 Edition
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2012, 11:10:02 AM »
What are five things that really annoy you?

1. Inconsiderate walkers (people who walk ridiculously slow, cut you off and then proceed to walk slow, people who won’t let you pass, people who run you over with their baby carriages and people who are walking in front of you and then stop abruptly and don’t get out of the way.).

2. Impatience

3. People who talk at you instead of to you

4. People who don’t plan things in advance

5. People who grab food off your plate without asking. I call them seagulls. I hate them.

What kitchen utensil can you not live without?

Egg beater or wooden spoon.

If you could choose one aspect of your personality to pass on to your children (or pretend children if that’s the case), what would it be?

Probably my compassion

If you’re in a bad (sad, or angry, or confused or upset, etc) mood, what do you do to lift your spirits up?

I eat chocolate, talk to my friends or let DF know so he’ll make me laugh.

What was the first car car you owned?

1998 Toyota Corolla

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Re: Weekly Meme Thingy 18 June 2012 Edition
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2012, 01:44:56 PM »
What are five things that really  annoy you?

In no particular order:

1. People that block entire aisles in the supermarket with their carts, or gabbing to people, or stand in front of displays, staring for 10 minutes, in a complete fog, when all I want to do is grab some milk and get out!

2. People who talk very loudly. I could punch someone in a store when they are talking to someone a few inches away from them, and yell - usually directly into my ear - to their friend.

3. Bees. You have the entire planet to fly around. Why must you make circles around my body?

4.  People that appear on TV with filthy hair. You knew you were going to be on the show. You didn't think it was necessary to, I dunno, wash your hair before you appear on national TV?

5. Receiving emails with 100 forwards on them. It's 2012, ya don't know how to clean that up yet, before you forward it to someone else?

What kitchen utensil can you not live without?

Good knives. I cut up a lot of veggies every day.

If you could choose one aspect of your personality to pass on to your children (or pretend children if that’s the case), what would it be?

I don't have any children, but if I did, it would be the ability to make people laugh, no matter how dire the situation.  That, and my insatiable appetite for reading/learning.

If you’re in a bad (sad, or angry, or confused or upset, etc) mood, what do you do to lift your spirits up?

Put on some upbeat music (usually 70's disco) and sing and dance. Sometimes I'll watch very funny clips on Youtube.

What was the first car car you owned?

I don't drive, never did (except for a few disastrous lessons).  When my 2nd husband died, I inherited a 1968 Chevelle.  I owned it for about 5 years, but never drove it.  It looked cool in the driveway though. :)
« Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 01:46:54 PM by Fallgal »
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Re: Weekly Meme Thingy 18 June 2012 Edition
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2012, 03:50:46 AM »
I inherited a 1968 Chevelle.  I owned it for about 5 years, but never drove it.  It looked cool in the driveway though. :)

Oh I love that car! I dated a boy who had one of those. He was so badass.

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Re: Weekly Meme Thingy 18 June 2012 Edition
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2012, 10:50:56 AM »
What are five things that really annoy you?

1. People who talk through movies! Seriously!?!? Shut up! (add cell phones to this equation which is twice as bad!)

2. Having to repeat myself more than 3 times really irritates me!

3. Going to the supermarket put me in a bad mood as well. People are rude with blocking the aisles with their carts and the middle of the road hour long chats they have to have instead of letting those of us by that just want to shop and leave go...and if I could get a pound for every time someone rammed their cart into me and instead of apologizing, give me a rude look like it was MY fault then just walked away, I'd be a freak'n millionaire!

4. Being cold and wet!

5. Being correct or told I'm wrong in terms of my vocabulary. I've got a guy at work that corrects every other word I say right now! "It's not cell phone, it's a mobile!!" "It's not a train station it's a railroad station!" If you know what I'm talking about then leave me alone! Different doesn't automatically mean wrong!

What kitchen utensil can you not live without?

Hmm...That's a toughie! I first jump to knife and cutting board because those are probably the two things I use the most! But I have other utensils I'm equally as grateful for!

If you could choose one aspect of your personality to pass on to your children (or pretend children if that’s the case), what would it be?

Probably my optimism. The world can be such a grim place and being optimistic gives hope and compassion/caring...Wanting something more positive you know?

If you’re in a bad (sad, or angry, or confused or upset, etc) mood, what do you do to lift your spirits up?

Music is major to me! I sing, dance or try to find ways to make myself laugh (Youtube videos, etc.)

What was the first car car you owned?

Pontiac 6,000 I can't remember the year though! It was a sweet little car..."old blue"! :)

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Re: Weekly Meme Thingy 18 June 2012 Edition
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2012, 10:01:45 AM »
Hey this was a fun thing we were doing awhile back...do we want to resurrect it?

I lost the plot as I was travelling all around back in the summer & not online much then.

I think that PB was the one who had the last 'go' on it.  These start back on about page 4-5 of the Chit Chat threads - would someone like to make a list of who has already had a go, and then maybe PB can nominate someone who's not had a turn yet?

Whaddaya think?  :)
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Re: Weekly Meme Thingy 18 June 2012 Edition
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2012, 10:09:01 AM »
I'm game for resurrecting it. However, when it was my week, I had a sort of difficult time finding someone who was willing to be nominated.  :P

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Re: Weekly Meme Thingy 18 June 2012 Edition
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2012, 10:14:47 AM »
I'm game for resurrecting it. However, when it was my week, I had a sort of difficult time finding someone who was willing to be nominated.  :P

Ok, well my suggestion would be for people to maybe exchange PMs with someone you want to nominate & see if they would be willing to do it & try it that way?  Although maybe that's what you did.  I'd also look to people who are currently regular posters on the forum at large (like on Chit Chat, Games, Expat Life, Food Talk etc) rather than those who turn up infrequently.  Just my 2p.

Don't be shy, people!  :)

Wondering if people (like me for instance) were just a lot busier in the summer months & didn't have the time/interest?

On the other hand, if people don't want to do it, they don't want to do it, fair enough so maybe we don't resurrect it in that instance.  It's really up to all of you to decide.  ;) :)
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Re: Weekly Meme Thingy 18 June 2012 Edition
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2012, 11:01:19 AM »
What are five things that really annoy you?

1. My odd, constant, never ending obsessions.
2. Ignorance - Especially my own.
3. Snot on children's face.
4. Racism and homophobia, and the extremist beliefs of the religious right wing folk - So, lets call it intolerance.
5. Paying a lot of money for a bad meal.

What kitchen utensil can you not live without?

1. My Italian stove top coffee maker. I really don't need anything else in there.

If you could choose one aspect of your personality to pass on to your children (or pretend children if that’s the case), what would it be?

1. My survival instinct? (I don't know. I don't have kids. If I did, they would most likely starve in my house, because I hardly ever cook.)

If you’re in a bad (sad, or angry, or confused or upset, etc) mood, what do you do to lift your spirits up?

1. Rant to a close friend, until it becomes funny. I used to go shoe shopping.

What was the first car car you owned?

2. I have a small, plastic Vespa that we got in Italy on holiday. Does that count?
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NEXT: The lil' red passpo

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