A close family friend (her husband was like an uncle to my husband and his siblings) has just been diagnosed with a terminal illness and probably doesn't have much longer. My husband is not really sure what we should do and my suggestions apparently have horrified my MIL, so I really am struggling with figuring out what is culturally appropriate. At least where I am from in the US (the South), if someone has been sick, had surgery, or if there is a death, you bring a meal or do something to help them easily have a meal if you cannot be there to deliver the meal yourself. This is done for family, close friends, and even acquaintances or coworkers. However, I am starting to realize that it may not be appropriate here, as I remember when my husband's grandmother died, his family had to provide the food at the wake and no one brought any food with them when they came. Also, when I had surgery that left me unable to care for my 5 month old for several weeks, my in-laws stopped by but only brought food for their own lunch, and didn't even bother bringing a few extra sandwiches for my husband or myself (!!!). The family friend who is so sick has to travel several hours away from home for treatment and her husband will have to stay at hotels or with friends here and there to be close to her. I suggested we bring a meal over to him or send a gift card to a restaurant close to the hospital or even to a coffee shop at the hospital so he could easily get what he needs as he is camped out at the hospital for so long. Another suggestion was putting together a basket of things she may need while at the hospital for so long. My MIL seemingly thinks all of these suggestions are inappropriate, so I am guessing this may be a cultural difference? Not doing any of those things where I am from would be considered extremely rude...and I am not sure what we *should* be doing. To be honest, when I had my surgery, no one acknowledged it or offered to help, so is it just something here where illness is ignored and people are left to get on with it???