I love dipping my lobster in butter---mmm, mmm indulgence.
Grits can be yellow. I always had the Quaker type white ones growing up, but my Mom lives in North Carolina, and I asked her to bring me some proper southern grits when she came last, she brought bags that are actually quite a bit like a really coarse polenta, so I can kind of see where the OP is coming from on that. It took a little getting used to for me to have these yellow grits, but they are heavenly now.
I haven't really had a hard time finding polenta that works fine in my corn bread recipes either. I've seen them in about three different thicknesses in the store. I think I bought mine in a local health foods shop, but I've seen varying thickness in Tesco too. I agree though, that the fine polenta, which seems to be more common in the shops, just wouldn't be the same for bread. I buy the coarse stuff in big bags and keep it in a plastic container since I only use it periodically.