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Topic: I need to rant - In laws, Changes and Death :(  (Read 1966 times)

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I need to rant - In laws, Changes and Death :(
« on: December 09, 2012, 03:35:57 PM »
I kinda need to rant right now. Maybe more of a pity fest, who knows.

DH and I have been through all the normal long distance relationship bumps probably a few more because of his situation plus a lot of medical issues this year. Sometimes I'm just ready for the bumps to be gone. It's like, what next? 

DH has been the sole carer for his mother for the last almost 10 years.  If there was an issue, he was called from his job and eventually had to quit his job 10 years ago because he kept having to leave mid shift to attend to his mom.  Since then he's lived with his mom/dad. Every day until the time the mom gets up until she goes to bed, DH has watched her.  Why hasn't he just let his dad care for his mom? Because FIL won't!  He won't even watch her ten minutes! (And she needs total assistance and would have falls that would result in ER trips) My DH has sat 5 feet from his mom every day for the last 10 years attending to her while his dad goes off to play golf.  When people are around the dad acts like he cares about his wife and makes a big show about all the things he buys for her and does for her. (lies) When no one but DH and I is around he would shout at her and neglect her. 

When DH and I got together we knew he'd need to stop caring after his mom to get a job for the fiance visa.  DH told his dad that and his dad complained that now he'd have to get two carers in for 14 an hour.  (DH has been doing this for no pay all these years or support - just free rent to live in his childhood bedroom)DH's dad said he'd pay DH 8 an hour for 30 hour weeks to continue taking care of mom. (This is no skin off FIL, he spends 800+ pounds on just wine for his own consumption a month) DH agreed.  10 months went by and DH was still having to watch his mom 80+ hours a week plus getting up in the middle of the night plus paying rent now. If DH and I would get a day off, we'd leave the house for 2 hours, come back for lunch and his dad would immediately leave so then we'd be stuck in. On our wedding day his dad ditched us to play golf and we had to watch mom. Valentines day, birthdays same deal.

We arranged a talk with him in August about working only 30 hours and possibly dropping the rent. 80 hours working a week is more than enough paying for the rent. (Dad owns house btw, there are no payments) 10 minutes into the conversation his dad exploded and basically said that HE (the dad) has been watching his wife all these years and that his son was just lazy and staying home and no one asked for his help. This of course was devastating to my DH because he's been watching her all these years because he can't trust his dad and after many times of his dad saying he'll get another carer in so DH can go on with his life, he won't. The night ended up with his dad saying mean things to me, putting his hands on me. I've not spoken to his dad since August and I've stayed up in DH and I's bedroom since then.

My FIL is passive aggressive and if he gets mad at whatever then people get punished.  During our application process he got mad at DH, didn't tell him why and cut off his wage payment for 4 weeks. DH dad does a lot of things, but I'll skim over them.

Finally late August FIL agreed to only work DH 30 hours a week and he'd watch her the rest. Well, it never really happened. FIL would forget to feed her all the time, forget her pills, wouldn't bathe her, let her sit in her poo, FIL will shower but not let MIL bathe and not be in the room with her so she'd have falls, he'd drink and pass out and she'd wander the house alone. DH and I have come home and found her head split open and FIL playing on the computer 4 rooms away. We've found her just laid out on the floor so many times. If DH was downstairs doing anything near where MIL was he'd be essentially watching her even when FIL should be.

Our spousal visa was approved Nov. 22nd. I called the jobcentre and have an appt to apply for my NIN in London the 28th of this month.  Our plan was to start looking for jobs for both of us in Jan and demand FIL get a live in carer. 

Well, yesterday my DH goes in to check on his mom in bed and she's not breathing. He preforms CPR but no good. Medics come... nothing. She has passed away.  Now DH is jobless, no pay and rent is coming up. He's spent 10 years doing this, this is all he knows. We spoke about what kinds of jobs would he like to get when we get out of here and he says carework because he won't be hired for anything else (he's tried) because he basically has no work experience the last 10 years. He was taking a counselling course years ago but his dad had to go play golf a lot so DH had to miss class a lot and watch mom so he gave up.  I think going into carework right now isn't a good idea with his mom passing - it maybe too sensitive of a thing. Not to mention I can't expect him to find a job immediately because he's grieving. So I've been looking for jobs online. Even most unskilled jobs I'm not skilled for. I've gained 20lbs, which I've lost 4 in the last week and a half I've been back at the gym, but nothing fits, let alone interview clothes, don't really have cash to buy some right now.  All I can do is continue losing weight and job hunt. I'm just so stressed and nervous right now.  Not to mention DH goes in for a minor surgery the 21st (also his moms bday) and he has no one to drive him and I can't drive. :/

Its a mixture of panic and grief right now.  Mostly I am mad at my FIL. He's the same as he always is, same fake persona he puts on for company.  I honestly don't think he cares his wife is gone, I think he's kind of glad. I guess at least she is in a better place now, not being screamed at by him constantly or neglected. Now he'll be getting lots of sympathy attention because of his loss. I just want to shout out to everyone that he is such a fraud! Unfortunately FIL might try to kick DH and I out again and right now with no income its not a good idea.  I don't know how I'm going to get through this funeral. If he makes a speech about how he was taking such good care of her I think I'm going to lose it. I don't even want to be in the same room with him. I haven't been since August, he's creepy and unpredictable.

None of these feelings would be there if my FIL would just have given a damn for his wife. Also, if you haven't guessed, DH feels the same way I do. I can't wait for some good things to come our way. This year has been terrible.  :\\\'(

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Re: I need to rant - In laws, Changes and Death :(
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2012, 03:59:00 PM »
Wow, StealthG, you guys have really had a tough time of it.  It speaks volumes about the wonderful, loving nature of your husband that he would care for his mother like he has and about you that you would support him in doing what he felt compelled to do.

I don't have any good advice, just wanted to say that you have all my best wishes and sympathies.  Just hold tight and things will come together for you; you and your husband have proven your character and good things will come of it.
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Re: I need to rant - In laws, Changes and Death :(
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2012, 04:50:53 PM »
I have nothing useful to say, but I didn't want to read this and not write anything.

Big hugs to you and I hope that things start getting better for you both soon.
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Re: Re: I need to rant - In laws, Changes and Death :(
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2012, 05:01:54 PM »
My heart is going out to you guys. I hope some positive things will come your way soon. It sounds as if you've been in a world full of trauma and neglect for some time. I wonder if there's anyone you can talk to about your experience-maybe ask your gp if he knows any resources, or see if there are any support groups for carers in your area.

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Re: I need to rant - In laws, Changes and Death :(
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2012, 07:43:54 PM »
Thank you for reading and for the comments.  My small support group here is really limited at this time, just about everyone I know is going through a crisis right now, so not too many people are able to lend an ear just now.

I just know I'm grateful for such a good husband.  He is really so kind and caring. I know that if anything were to happen to me he would take good care of me.   :) However one day I may need to take care of him as the disease (progressive supranuclear palsy) can be genetic. His mom's death reminds me of that.  :(

I'm going to talk to a GP and see if I can get in to see a counsellor or psychologist. I was speaking with DH this week about some personal matters and it seems like I have a history (I didn't realise this until he pointed out the obvious!) of having severe social anxiety when traumatic events happen in my life so counselling will help with that and how to cope with the last year of rotten events.

Its funny that you mention carers support group. My FIL would go to the local one for meetings and such while my DH would stay home and watch his mom. Oh the irony. I see via some care websites that they have a service to help carers get back into the workforce, so we will be checking that out and see how they can help.

Again, thanks for reading. I guess the positive through all this is, DH and I have gotten through so much bologna and heartache this year I guess we can get through anything!

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Re: I need to rant - In laws, Changes and Death :(
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2012, 09:32:31 PM »
I sent you a PM.

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Re: I need to rant - In laws, Changes and Death :(
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2012, 05:17:41 AM »
I agree that both of you getting some counseling/support is a good idea. I'm sure your GP will have some resources you can take advantage of.

And I hope the new year brings the resources for the two of you to get out of that house and into your own place!

Re: I need to rant - In laws, Changes and Death :(
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2012, 02:45:46 PM »
Thanks dels :)

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Re: I need to rant - In laws, Changes and Death :(
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2012, 03:36:26 PM »
I'm very sorry to hear about your mother in law.  Sounds like your hubby was a good son.

It may be helpful to chat through someone like CarersUK or Carers Trust- because although he's not a 'carer anymore' - they can probably give advice and support and help him with everything. 

Your FIL sounds like a piece of work, on the other hand....  Not sure what to do about him, but the sooner the both of you can get on your own two feet, the better and then at least you'll be able to control on your situation and he won't have 'the control' anymore. 

Good luck.
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Re: I need to rant - In laws, Changes and Death :(
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2012, 04:42:44 PM »
I haven't really had time to respond to this in a meaningful way, but I'm really sorry you guys are going through this and I hope you are able to get on your feet independent of FIL soon. Sorry for the loss of your MIL as well.  :(

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Re: I need to rant - In laws, Changes and Death :(
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2012, 09:53:46 AM »
So sorry for the loss of your mother in law.   I'm really sorry you both are going, and have gone through so much, really sorry. :(

I just hope he (FIL) realises sooner than later he may need his son, and you one day, and treat you both with the respect and love you both deserve.

 You and your hubby are in my thoughts, and hope things will be much brighter for you two soon.

Biggest hugs

Re: I need to rant - In laws, Changes and Death :(
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2012, 02:33:59 PM »
Thank you for your kind words  :)

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Re: I need to rant - In laws, Changes and Death :(
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2012, 09:17:27 AM »
Wow, what a nightmare! I really feel for both you and your husband. As someone who had to care for a parent I know how incredibly taxing it is. I don't have any advice or suggestions, just a bit of support and hopefully comfort in this terrible time for you. I hope things take a turn and really pick up for the better for you both really soon.
9/11/2012 Husband mailed his US citizenship application.
9/17/2012 Received e-mail stating his application has been entered into the system.
9/22/2012 Hubby received letter with date for finger printing.
10/12/12 Hubby went for finger printing.
10/26/12 Dh got a letter stating when he should appear for his interview and test- 11/27/12- just a month away!!!
11/27/12 We went to dh's interview and test- he passed and we went back 4 hours later for the Oath Ceremony! 95 people from 38 countries, really pretty cool!
So he's now a US citizen!!

Re: I need to rant - In laws, Changes and Death :(
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2013, 10:52:35 PM »
Thanks, Beccarose.   :)
Well the funeral came, then Christmas (both were just horrific) and then my FIL cut off my husband's pay immediately after hubby goes in for surgery without saying a word. So we are both scrambling with no income for jobs right now.  Needless to say, we are in agreement, we are never talking to my FIL again once we move out.

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