Does anyone here do care work for a living? - as in a position where you would go to people's homes and assist them with bathing, fixing meals etc? If so, is it standard for these companies not to pay hourly? How much is the usual petrol reimbursement? Right now the company my DH has been working for - for the last 5 months does not pay hourly, but rather by client visit time. He works 12 days on, 2 off and usually 10-15 hours a day but generally only gets paid for 7 hours or so at 7 pound per client hour. (Most of the rest of the time is drive time between towns to clients houses, he literally does hundreds of visits a week) He gets 10-15 pounds a week in petrol reimbursement. Is this normal for these companies? It was hard for him to get this job due to being out of work for so long, so we are happy that he is working but with petrol costs/wear tear on the car we are barely meeting our expenses every month and forget saving. He is getting so burned out he wants to quit and the time we do see each other a day - usually an hour or so is taking a toll on our relationship. He is suppose to be getting an NVQ 2 by September at this company. I want him to stick it out and finish the NVQ if possible and find another place to work for, but do most companies in this field only pay per client hour?
Ultimately he would like to work in care management and he figures that getting a few NVQ's along the way will help with that. Anyone know any other courses he could take to help him get into this position as soon as possible?